Distribution of Computers in a School

The following is extracted from the Web66 listserv:

What our school did was put the computers into labs, where all teacher's can use them, except for two. One was in the teacher's lounge, which is an area they can work with less interuption than a classroom, the computer gets used more than in a classroom, and is less likely to get damaged. The other compuet went to a teacher who desperately needed one in his class, for he worked on the yearbook, and a number of different projects throughout the year. And actually he didn't ask for the computer, but someone suggested he get one to olighten his work load.

We have found that this works well, because after hours the lab is free, and at times during the day this is the case as well. And between the one in the staff room and the administation's computers, there is almost never a problem getting one. Except when marks are due, but that is usually because we are leaving them to the last minute.

Philip Scott