Presented to: Dr. Wayne Summers

Submitted by: Isabel Mascarenas; Eleana Vasilakakou

Spring Semester '96


Executive Summary.................................................................2
Vision Statement.....................................................................2
Mission Statement...................................................................3
Current status

Computer History.........................................................6

Existing System..........................................................6,7

Administration & Staff..............................................................8
Machines & Network Budget Summary..............................10,11
West Las Vegas Middle School LAN
West Las Vegas Middle School Wiring Diagram.........................................................................12

Executive Summary

A plan for the development of computer, information, networking, and telecommunications services at West Las Vegas includes the completion of the on-campus computer network within five years at the level where all faculty, staff and students have easy access to networked computer across the school. Future expansions to include distance learning, and additional capability video materials.

Vision statement

West Las Vegas Middle School will continually work to integrate all technologies available to our district into the school curriculum. We envision a Technology Center in the near future where all of our students will be exposed to the technologies available to our district.

"The district goal as adhered to in its mission statements to graduate students who are "technologically literate" and Who will apply this acquired tools to enter society, compete globally for employment, and pursue technology and its applications for professional and personal growth" (West Las Vegas Technology Plan)

Mission statement

West Las Vegas Middle Schools mission is to improve student learning. Staff will find ways to integrate technologies into the classroom, as all of our students will have to integrate into their life. We will all work together, staff, administrators, parents, and community members to provide the best possible education for all of our students.

Our goal here at West Las Vegas Middle School and the rest of our district is to prepare our students to become productive citizens. We will work with all of our students allowing them to utilize critical thinking skills for a continuance of learning and self growth.


The vision statement is based on the following premises that are fundamental to the operation of the West Las Vegas Middle School::

*West Las Vegas Middle School must lead the students into the highest use of information technology available in order to meet its mission of bridging education.

*Access to information should be easy for all users.

*Privacy regarding access and delivery of information is protected by school policy and federal law.

*The school information system should enhance the mission of the school.

*The system should address the needs of all students, faculty and staff.


Our goal is to create a system where administrators, staff and students will be able to have access to the Internet, so they will be able to follow the technology and students will have access to any news available for their classes or their projects. The system has to be reliable and with most recent technology available. Also each computer will have software that fits the demand of each class and also will have connectivity capabilities with the outside world. West Las Vegas Middle School will be the leader in information technology and serve itself as the producer and provider of this technology.

West Las Vegas Middle School will develop a reliable and maintainable network environment that will handle electronic information services and state of the art classrooms. Also services and resources will be easy to access, easy to use, and readily available.

"Students at West Las Vegas Schools will be afforded the opportunity to :

1. Be proficient in communication skills.
2. Be proficient in critical thinking skills.
3. Apply concept to solve problems in mathematics and successfully use skills of computation, measurement, etc.
4. Be proficient in technological knowledge" (West Las Vegas Technology Plan).

Current status

Computer History:

Commodores Pets were the first computers acquired by West Las Vegas Middle School. Computer programming was taught through the Math department using the commodores. In 1989 a new school was built and a total of 24 computers were purchased for the computer lab. The computers are IBM's 286, and Novell networked. They are still being used today.

The software used in the computer lab are Word Perfect, Lotus 123, and a variety of educational software.

Existing System:

One computer lab is available throughout the West Las Vegas Middle School Campus. The lab consists of 24 '286 IBM computers that are Novell networked. Programs include Word Perfect, Lotus 123, and a vast variety of educational software.

In addition, the library is equipped with 3 Pentium computer with access to the Internet. West Las Vegas Middle School has developed a home page that may be accessed at

Table 1. Current computers in various offices or classrooms:

Library 3 PCs networked (peer-to-peer) 2 Printers
Bilingual Office 2 PCs not Networked 2 Printers
Speech Therapist=s Office 1 PC 1 Printer
Bilingual Classroom 1 PC None
Science Classroom 1 PC None
Secretary's Office 1 PC 2 Printers

Future plans include having 1 networked PC per Classroom.

Administration and Staff

In order to effectively implement the proposed technology plan, the staff needs to become knowledgeable and visionaries within their school sites and the district. Higher education has not been able to properly prepare educators or keep pace with changes and the expansion of knowledge as it related to technology and its applications in education. The district's goal via staff development is to assist staff in making the gradual transition from a dispenser/provider of knowledge to a facilitator of learning by utilizing all facets of technology and applying it to the instructional methodology. Staff and administration must be the initiators in providing students at all grade levels with the tools to seek and access knowledge on their own. Staff and administration are inundated with many time-consuming tasks, leaving minimal time for the opportunity to pursue knowledge relevant to technology and its applications in education. In order for success educators must be provided training which will allow them to become the appliers of technology. The goal of the district is to provide opportunities for all staff to become computer and technology literate. The West Las Vegas Middle School administration and staff will be trained by Isabel Mascarenas and Lora Montenegro.

1995-1996 : Involve community input in the development of staff training plans.

Utilize other funding resources, e.g. federal, nonpublic funds, etc., in a collaborative effort in order to avoid duplication of services and more effectively provide identified training needs and to insure equity of services and gender equity in the acquisition of hardware and peripherals.


At the present time only one laboratory have full connection to the network. Our goal is that every classroom has at least a computer where the students can practice and learn. The teacher will be able to have immediate access during their lectures and students will have benefit to interact with the outside world and be familiar with the new technology.

The first level involves the use of computers for classroom presentations using material from the network. The second level involves the ability for students to download classroom presentations directly into their own computer during the class. Also the new system will be available for any student. It is important to understand that the every student should be familiar with computers and the Internet.

Machines and Network Budget summary

Machines Number Prices
HP 5L Laser printers 7 $3,458 Total
Computers P5-125 Best Buy with Inter 100MHz Pentium
16MB EDO Performance DRAM expandable to
256KB Pipeline Burst
SRAM cache 1.2GB Western Digital IDE
PCI enhanced IDE interface
PCI local-bus graphics accelerator with 2MB DRAM
6X CD-ROM drive. 3.5" 1.44MB diskette drive
15" CrystalScan color monitor (13.9" Viewable)
Slots two 16 bit ISA
Three 32-bit PCI & one PCI/ISA slots
Desktop case with 145-watt power supply
104+ keyboard.
3COM ISA Ethernet Combo
Sound card and Altec ACS 40 speakers
Microsoft mouse and mouse pad
24 $2,531Delivered
Total amount of machines   $ 59,882

Network equipment:

Router 1 $2,712.00
8 port Hub 1 $845.00
16 port Hubs 2 $460.80 (for 2*230.40)
STP Cat5 1500 feet $1,600

Microsoft Windows
MSOffice '95
Professional Edition on CD and service and support
All the above exist already in the school.

West Las Vegas Middle School LAN

West Las Vegas Middle School Wiring Diagram