Unix Commands

command Description
exit exit (logoff) the computer
passwd Change the password
mkdir make directories
rm remove files
rmdir remove directories
cd change working directory
cat concatenate and print files [view contents of page on screen]
less, more, page browse or page through a text file
cp, ln, mv copy, link or move (rename) files
ls list contents of directory
pwd print working directory (display the current directory)
pine run e-mail program
pico run editor for creating and editing text files
lynx run text-based web browser
cal display the calendar for the month
find find files
grep Matches files or patterns
whereis locate source, binary, and or manual for program
which locate a program file including aliases and path (csh only)
head prints the first [count] lines of the specified file(s)
tail prints the last part of the specified file(s)
chown change the owner of a file
chgrp change the group ID of a file
chmod change the permissions mode of a file
ifconfig used to list (and change) information on the network interfaces