Chapter 12: The Next Generation of Web Documents


12.1 Introduction


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) was developed as an implementation of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) and was designed to allow markups of simple documents. As we move into the next stage of the use of the World Wide Web as a vehicle for electronic commerce, the limitations of HTML become apparent. Users of HTML are constrained to using only a limited number of pre-defined tags that only describe how to describe the features of the document. Attempts have been made to extend this capability with style sheets and scripting languages, but what is needed is a more robust language.


12.2 XML (


XML (Extensible Markup Language) is designed to be that language. It is considered extensible because it is not a fixed format like HTML. XML itself is not a single markup language: it is a metalanguage that lets you design your own markup language. A regular markup language defines a way to describe information in a certain class of documents (e.g. HTML). XML lets you define your own customized markup languages for many classes of document. It can do this because it is written in SGML, the international standard metalanguage for markup languages.


You can use XML to describe any type of data. XML can also be used to create new element types. XML is:


   1. Extensible - flexibility

   2. Portable

   3. Structured

   4. Descriptive.


Differences between HTML and XML



Features of XML



12.3 Document Type Definition


XML documents should include a Document Type Definition (DTD). DTD files define the grammatical rules for a document. A DTD is not required for an XML document, but is recommended for uniformity of documents. The W3C defines a DTD as "a collection of declarations that, as a collection, defines the legal structure, elements, and attributes that are available for use in a document that complies to the DTD."  XML documents end in the .xml extension while Document Type Definitions (DTD) documents end in the .dtd extension. XML parser (processor) combines an XML document with its DTD. IE 5.0 has a built-in XML processor = msxml. Netscape 6.0 has a built-in XML processor.


Features of Document Type Definitions



12.4 XHTML (


XHTML = XML + HTML Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) is a reformulation of HTML 4.0 as an application of XML. XHTML was released as a Recommendation by the W3C on January 26, 2000. "XHTML 1.0 connects the present Web to the future Web, It provides the bridge to page and site authors for entering the structured data, XML world, while still being able to maintain operability with user agents that support HTML 4." -- Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director.


12.5 Differences between HTML and XHTML



...script/style content...





You can use the Quick Example ( below as a template to create your XHTML documents. Once you have created your XHTML document, you can click on the image at the bottom or go to the address, which will connect with the W3C to validate whether your document conforms with the XHTML standards.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html   xmlns   = "">


        <title>Quick Example</title>



<h1>Quick Example</h1>


    <a href="">

<img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" />



<p>Note that the layout (with tabs and alignment) is purely for readability - XHTML doesn't require it.</p>




Some Definitions



12.6 Other Markup Languages


 VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language

( is a language for describing virtual worlds networked within the World Wide Web.


MathML ( is a language for describing mathematical concepts over the Web.


CML – Chemical Markup Language

( is a language for describing chemical concepts over the Web.


SMIL - Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language

( is a language designed to allow for the creation of synchronized multimedia delivery over the Web.


These are just a few of the emerging special purpose languages that have been developed over the last couple of years. There is even a Robotic Telescope Markup Language (RTML). Most of these new languages are special-purpose markup languages developed with XML. Expect more in the coming years.