Chapter 10: Web Programming


10.1 Introduction


The last several years has seen a tremendous growth in new scripting and programming languages. These languages allow you to extend the capabilities of HTML by making the web documents more dynamic and more interactive. This chapter focuses on several of the more popular languages used in extending HTML documents.


10.2 JavaScript (


10.2.1 Introduction


JavaScript is not Java. JavaScript is an easy to learn scripting language used with HTML to increase the functionality and interaction of the document with the viewer.  It was developed by Netscape as part of Navigator 2.0 beta using Sun's Java language and was originally called LiveScript.  JavaScript is not an object-oriented programming language but a compact, object-based scripting language for developing client and server Internet applications. Scripts are performed after specific user-triggered events.  JavaScript allows web pages to become dynamic in response to events generated by the user or other objects.


Its syntax and structure are similar to Java but JavaScript can only be used as part of an HTML page.






Interpreted by the client

Compiled before execution on the client

Integrated with HTML

Applets are distinct applications

Dynamic binding of object references

Static binding at compile time

Variables are not declared

Strong typing of variables


JavaScript is supported by all versions of Netscape Navigator 2.0 and later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and later.  Internet Explorer actually uses a version of JavaScript called Jscript. Unfortunately, the two browsers support different features in their JavaScript. Netscape Navigator 2.0 contained a defect “stuck onLoad” that allows hackers to gather information about the client computer and should not be used with JavaScript.


10.2.2 JavaScript Features


JavaScript can


JavaScript should be used to


10.2.3 JavaScript Language


1.  JavaScript functions can be embedded directly in the HTML code and should be placed in the head of the HTML document.





<!—Hide the script

document.write(“Hello World”);

// end hiding-->







2. To use JavaScript functions the code needs to follow the line: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> and precede </SCRIPT>.


3. JavaScript code needs to be bracketed by <!-- and --> so that non-JavaScript enabled browsers will ignore the JavaScript code.


4. JavaScript is case sensitive and uses new lines to terminate a line of code; semicolons can be used to separate lines of code on a line.


5.  JavaScript can use either // or /* */ to indicate comments.


6.  JavaScript supports data types: numeric (real and integer), string, Boolean, and null.


7.       Variable names must begin with a letter or an underscore (_) with the remaining characters either digits or letters.  Variables by default are global, unless declared as local by preceding with var:

var count=0


8.       JavaScript supports assignment, arithmetic, bit-wise, logical, comparison and string operators: +, -, *, /, %, ++, --, =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &&, ||, !, &, |, ^, ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=.\


9.       JavaScript uses the control structures: if (else), for, and while.






<!—Hide the script

            for (count=1; count <= 10; count++)


                        sqr = count * count;

                        document.write (“number: “ + count +  “squared: “ + sqr + “<BR>”)


// end hiding-->









10. A JavaScript function is a group of statements that perform a specified task and may be called from any point in the HTML document. The format is:

            function FunctionName (parameter list)





Functions can return values to be processed by other JavaScript functions as well as processing values in HTML forms as shown below.



<!—Hide the JavaScript code

function calc(form)


        form.answer.value = form.number1.value * form.number2.value;






<H1>Sample Javascript</H1>


enter first number:


enter second number:



<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="Caclulate" VALUE="Multiply" onClick = "calc(this.form)">

The product is:






11. JavaScript contains three user interfaces: alert(message), prompt(message, [Default]), confirm(message). The sample program displays all three. The screen shot below illustrates the alert window.




        function TestMethods()



                window.confirm("do a homepage");







<H1>Javascript example - Windows methods



<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" NAME="Display" VALUE="Press here" onClick = "TestMethods()">

Test Windows methods with JavaScript




10.2.3 JavaScript and Objects


JavaScript is an object-based language. It can access three built-in objects, several Netscape-defined built-in objects as well as external objects created in Java and C++. Objects have properties and methods. Methods include entities like length, name, etc. while methods are the functions associated with the object.  The built-in objects are Window, String, Math, and Date. To facilitate processing objects and their properties and methods, JavaScript includes additional statements:, with, new, this.


The statement provides a loop mechanism for interating through all of the properties of an object.  This example uses this statement to list the properties and their values for an object.




            function ListProperties (obj, objName)


            for (var prop in obj)

                        document.write(objName + "." + prop + " = " + obj[prop] + "<BR>");





The with statement establishes a default object for a bracketed set of statements. The new function is used to create a new instance of a given object type. This is used to refer to the current object.


JavaScript does not have built-in support for arrays, but does allow for building of arrays using objects.


Function MakeArray (size)


            this.length = size;

            for (var count = 1; count <= size; count++)

                        this[count] = 0;

            return this;



SampleArray = new MakeArray(10);


The String object has only the length property and methods: anchor, big, blink, bold, charAt, fixed, fontcolor, fontsize, indexOf, italics, lastOf, link, small, strike, sub, sibstring, sup, toLowerCase, and toUpperCase.


The Math object has properties: E, LN2, LN10, LOG2E, LOG10E, PI, SQRT1_2, SQRT2 and methods: abs, acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, exp, floor, log, max, min, pow, random, round, sin, sqrt, and tan.


The Date object requires that an instance of the Date object exist before the use of its methods. This can be done by:

            dateObjectName = new Date()

            dateObectName = new Date(“month, day, year, hours:minutes:seconds”)

            dateObectName = new Date(“year, month, day)

            dateObectName = new Date, (“year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds)


Methods include getDate, getDay, getHours, getMinutes, getMonth, getSeconds, getTime, getTimezoneOffset, getYear, setDate, setHours, setMinutes, setMonth, setSeconds, setTime, setYear, toGMTString, toLocaleString, parse, and UTC.


ex. Found on



<!-- hide ...

// This script displays the date that this document was last updated.

update = new Date(document.lastModified)

theDate= update.getDate()

theMonth = update.getMonth()  + 1

theYear = update.getYear()

document.writeln ("last update: " + theMonth + "/" + theDate + "/" + theYear)

// end hide -->



10.2.4 Netscape Objects


In addition to the JavaScript objects, there is a collection of objects and properties that are supported by the Netscape browser. The following tree illustrates these objects and their relationships:




|                       |                       |                       |

frames            location           history document


                                    |                       |                       |

                                    forms              links                anchors




Note that frames also have a hierarchy that includes location, history and document.


The window object is the parent of all of these objects and has properties: name, parent, self, top, defaultstatus, status, script, location, frame, history, navigator, document and methods: Alert, Confirm, Prompt, Open, Close, SetTimeout, ClearTimeout, Navigate with events: Onload, Unload.  When the browser initially loads the HTML document, it starts with a single instance of the window object.


The location object contains information about the current URL and consists of properties: protocol, hostname, port, pathname, search, hash, href, and host.  It is recommended that any changes be made the entire href and not the other individual properties.


The history object has been disabled since version 2.01 because of its ability to be misused.


The document object consists of the properties, objects, and methods that define the way the document  (everything between <BODY> and </BODY>) is presented.  Its properties include: bgColor, fgColor, linkColor, alinkColor, vlinkColor, lastModified, location, referrer, title, anchors, link and cookie. The document object methods are write, writeln, open, close, and clear.  The anchors object contains an array of all anchors declared by the NAME attribute of the <A> tag. The array begins at 0 and ends with document.anchors.length-1.  The link object contains an array of all links defined by the HREF and NAME attributes of the <A> tag or the link method.  The link object supports the two event handlers: onClick and onMouseOver.


ex. <A HREF="notes/CS101/intro.htm" ONMOUSEOVER="window.status='Computer Literacy course'; return true">CS101 - Living with Computers</A>  [See].


The cookie property contains a string value of the cookie entry from the cookies.txt file for the document.


10.2.5 The Form Object


The HTML <FORM> tag provides a means for receiving user input of data. Before the development of JavaScript, a server using CGI could only process this input. JavaScript provides a facility to do the processing on the client machine through the use of event handlers. The following example illustrates the use of an event handler to process a form by calling a JavaScript function:

            <input type=”radio” value=”Submit” onClick=”validate(this.form)”>


Event handlers supported by JavaScript include:


·        onBlur – executes when the user leaves the field causing it to lose focus.

·        onChange – executes when the user leaves the field and the value of the object has changed.

·        onClick – executes when the user clicks on a form or link.

·        onFocus – executes when a field receives input focus by tabbing to the field or clicking on it with the mouse.

·        onLoad – executes when the browser finishes loading a document.

·        onMouseOver – executes when the mouse moves over an object.

·        onSelect – executes when the user selects text within a text or textarea field.

·        onSubmit – executes when the user submits a form.

·        onUnload – executes when a document is existed.


Event handlers








OnClick, onMouseOver






onBlur, onChange, onFocus




onBlur, onChange, onFocus, onSelect


onBlur, onChange, onFocus, onSelect


onLoad, onUnLoad


The forms array contains entries for each form object created by the <FORM> tag. For JavaScript, each form entry contains the following properties: action, element, encoding, length, method, and target and the submit method.  The table below lists the element objects, their properties and methods.


Element object


name, value



name, value, checked, defaultChecked



name, value

(has no methods)


name, value, defaultValue

blur, focus, select


name, value, checked, defaultChecked, length



name, value



name, length, options array, selectedIndex

blur, focus


name, value



name, value, defaultValue

blur, focus, select


name, value, defaultValue

blur, focus, select


ex. Uses the button object and the onclick event to change the color of the document (found on




<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="silver" ONCLICK="document.bgColor='silver'">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="slate" ONCLICK="document.bgColor='slate'">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="pink" ONCLICK="document.bgColor='pink'">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="green" ONCLICK="document.bgColor='lightgreen'">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="blue" ONCLICK="document.bgColor='lightblue'">

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="purple" ONCLICK="document.bgColor='purple'">





Another example that combines forms with JavaScript is the following that allows the viewer to select the next destination from a drop-down list.


<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">


function switch_page() {

        location = document.menuform.destination[document.menuform.destination.selectedIndex].value;


// -->






    <td><form NAME="menuform">

      <p><select NAME="destination" ONCHANGE="switch_page();" ALIGN="left" size="1">

        <option>Choose a Subject... Click here! <!-- Enter new quick menu options here --> </option>

        <option VALUE="biology.htm">Biological Sciences </option>

        <option VALUE="physics.htm">Physical Sciences (Physics, Earth Sciences) </option>

        <option VALUE="nasa.htm">Nasa and Astronomy </option>

        <option VALUE="math.htm">Mathematical Sciences </option>

        <option VALUE="social.htm">Social Sciences </option>

        <option VALUE="arts.htm">Humanities and Fine Arts </option>

        <option VALUE="english.htm">English </option>

        <option VALUE="chem.htm">Chemistry </option>

        <option VALUE="language.htm">Language Learning </option>

        <option VALUE="philosophy.htm">Philosophy </option>

        <option VALUE="refer.htm">Library Science &amp; Reference Works <!-- End of Menu --> </option>





    <td><font SIZE="-2"><a HREF="">For Javascript Enabled Browsers





Because of the differences between Netscape’s JavaScript and Microsoft’s JScript, an attempt has been made to standardize the language through a standards organization - European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA - that has released three versions of ECMAScript. Unfortunately, the ECMA specification does not describe the Document Object Model (DOM). The DOM defines the way in which HTML document objects are exposed to your script. The DOM for Netscape and Microsoft is significantly different. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is standardizing the DOM.


For more information on JavaScript, you can look at for further discussion and examples and for more examples and JavaScript resources.


10.3 VBScript (


10.3.1 Introduction to VBScript


VBScript is a subset of the Visual Basic language and was written as an alternative to JavaScript. As with JavaScript, VBScript is used with HTML pages to increase functionality and interaction with the end user. Its only purpose is to enhance Web documents.


VBScripts are contained inside the HTML <SCRIPT> tags or inside the form element tags and are executed when the HTML document is loaded or in response to an event.  If the VBScript statements are not inside procedures, they are executed when the document is loaded. Procedure definitions should be placed inside the <HEAD> tags.


Listed below is a simple “hello world” VBScript.





<!—Hide the script

document.write “Hello World”


// end hiding-->







Below is an example that uses procedures:






<!— Hide the script

Sub sendAlert (msg)

            Alert msg

End Sub





<H1>VBScript Example</H1>


<INPUT NAME=”btnHello” OnClick=sendAlert(“HelloWorld!”) TYPE=”button” VALUE=”Say Hello”>





10.4 Dynamic HTML (dHTML) (


10.4.1 Introduction to dHTML


Dynamic HTML is the newest wave of innovation to the Web. Unfortunately Netscape and Microsoft are battling it out over which way to do dynamic HTML. Netscape has introduced a new <LAYER> tag while Microsoft has added to the functionality of the <DIV> tag. Netscape Navigator and Communicator 4.0 only support Netscape’s <LAYER> tag and higher while Microsoft's <DIV> tag is only supported by Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher. In order to see the effects of dynamic HTML in the examples below, you must be using the appropriate browser. Dynamic HTML is basically a combination of the document object with its associated style sheet and some type of scripting. Since Netscape and Microsoft support different Document Object Models (DOM), it becomes difficult to write one script that is supported by both of the major browsers. To overcome these deficiencies, you need to either write separate documents for each browser or test for the browser within the script and handle each separately.  Most of the examples below will work in one, but not both browsers. The scripts can be written in either JavaScript (JScript) or VBScript, but remember that VBScript is only supported by the Microsoft browsers.



10.4.2 dHTML Examples


This first example will change the background color of the page to green when the page is clicked. It only works in IE 4.0 and above.





<script language="JavaScript">



        function changeMe()


       = "green"


// -->




<body onclick="changeMe()">

<h3>Dynamic HTML!</h3>

Click in the body of this document for a surprise. [Note it only works in IE 4.0 and later]




This next example is from Netscape’s site ( and illustrates the use of the LAYER tag. Another site accomplishes the same effect with style sheets. Neither of these pages will work with IE.




<TITLE>Flowering Layers Example</TITLE>





<H1 align="center">Welcome to Fancy Flowers Farm </H1>


<P>We sell bulbs, seeds, seedlings, and potted plants, in all shapes, sizes, colors, and varieties. This page presents information about our most popular varieties.</P>


<!-- position the form layer -->

<! -- let the top value default to the natural position -->


<ILAYER NAME="formlayer" LEFT=50 >

<H3>Please select a flower:</H3>

        <FORM NAME=form1>

                <SELECT name=menu1 onChange="changeFlower(this.selectedIndex); return false;">

           <OPTION >Mona Lisa Tulip

           <OPTION >Mixed Dutch Tulips

                        <OPTION >Bijou Violet

                        <OPTION >Pink Chrysanthemum





<!-- We have four different layers, each with different info about flowers -->

<!-- position this layer below the form layer -->


<LAYER name="flower0" LEFT=50 width=400 BGCOLOR="#FFFFDD">


        <H3 align="center">Mona Lisa Tulip</H3>

        <IMG src="images/redtul.jpg"  align="LEFT" hspace=5 >

        <P>These tulips have been specially designed to withstand late winter frost in areas with harsh winters.They are a beautiful red color, and we guarantee that they'll grow for at least four years in a row.  Don't wait to order them, they sell fast!</P>

      <BR CLEAR="ALL">

        <P>Priced at only $1 a bulb, they are a bargain.</P>




<LAYER name="flower1" LEFT=50 width=400 VISIBILITY="HIDE"       BGCOLOR="#DDFFDD">


        <H3 align = center>Mixed Dutch Tulips</H3>

        <IMG src="images/tulmulti.jpg"  align="LEFT"  hspace=5 >

        <P>These colorful tulips have been specially bred for us by Dr. Hans Tulip in         Amsterdam.  He has spent the last ten years perfecting the hybrid. These tulips start        blooming early, sometimes they beat the crocuses out of the ground! </P>

        <BR CLEAR="ALL">

      <P>They come in a variety of intense colors, and they have a velvety, sweet-smelling bloom.</P>

        <P>Priced at $5 for ten, these tulips are a cheap way to bring color to your garden. </P>




<LAYER name="flower2" LEFT=50  width=400 VISIBILITY="HIDE"       BGCOLOR="#DDDDFF">


        <H3 align ="center">Bijou Violets</H3>

        <IMG src="images/violets.jpg" align="LEFT" hspace=5>

        <P>These pale purple African violets are much hardier than most violets. You        don't need green fingers to keep these flowers thriving! Just water them four times a day at regular intervals, and they will thrive forever!</P>

        <P>These flowers are VERY small, the picture has been magnified so you can        see their shape. The plants usually grow to about an inch high. Thus they make        excellent indoor plants for tiny apartments. </P>

      <BR CLEAR="ALL">

        <P>The price for these lovely lilac blooms is $4 for a half inch pot, or $10 for four pots. </P>




<LAYER name="flower3" LEFT=50 TOP=&{;}; width=400 VISIBILITY="HIDE"  BGCOLOR="#FFDDDD">


        <H3 align="center">Pink Chrysanthemum</H3>

        <IMG src="images/spikey.jpg" align="LEFT" hspace=5 >

        <P>These modern chrysanthemums look delicate but are very hardy. They come in a variety of colors, and they can grow to 5 feet tall. They start blooming in autumn, and will keep flowering until the snow falls.

        So if you live somewhere that never gets snow, they'll never stop blooming!</P>

      <BR CLEAR="ALL">

        <P>These flowers sell for $6 for a 4 inch pot, or $10 for 2 pots.</P>





// this function hides all the flower layers


function hideAllflowerLayers() {

        document.flower0.visibility = "hide";

        document.flower1.visibility = "hide";

        document.flower2.visibility = "hide";

        document.flower3.visibility = "hide";



// this function makes a single flower layer visible  we have cunningly named the flower layers so we

// can tell which one to show based on the selectedIndex of the menu


function changeFlower(n) {


        document.layers["flower" + n].visibility = "show";






More links to examples and resources can be found at


10.5 Active Server Pages (ASPs) (


10.5.1 Introduction to ASPs


Active Server Pages (ASPs) are a CGI-like (see 10.6) technology developed by Microsoft that supports execution of programs and scripts on the server. These are part of a larger group of programs collectively called server-side programs that include server-side includes and Java Servlets. ASPs allow the programmer to create dynamically generated web pages from the server side using VBScript or JavaScript. Active Server Pages have an ".asp" extension instead of the traditional ".html". ASP is not a language (ex.VBScript or JavaScript) but rather a hosting environment that extends the normal capabilities of a web server and exposes objects for use by web documents. ASPs typically use embedded VBScript or JavaScript code, but could actually be written in just about any language. Many of the functions you use client-side with scripting languages can be     embedded into an ASP page. ASP's coding is used right along side normal HTML and is delimited by <% and %>. It has certain built-in objects that can be used to store and retrieve variables, get information from user submitted forms, get information about the server itself and write HTML based on this information.


ASPs were designed by Microsoft to run on their Internet Information and the latest Peer Web Servers.  A company called Chilisoft has a product called Chilisoft ASP, which provides support to a wide variety of web servers, including Apache, Lotus, Netscape, O'Reilly, Sun Solaris and IBM AIX. One of the strengths of ASPs is its ability to interface with databases on the server. This requires the use of ADOs or ActiveX Data Objects, which are application-programming interface (API) that are part of Microsoft's Data Access Components. They provide a number of objects that are used in the manipulation of databases through ASP. ADO objects are used by first creating an instance of the object you want on the server. This is done with simple ASP code. Then, you simply use the methods and properties of the objects to accomplish what you want.


10.5.2 ASP Examples (


The first example is the necessary “Hello World” asp written in JavaScript.


<% @LANGUAGE = JavaScript %>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">




        <TITLE>Simple Example</TITLE>


<BODY bgcolor=Lime aLink=DarkTurquoise>

        <P> </P>

        <%  Response.Write("Hello, world!")  %>




The first line, <% @LANGUAGE = JavaScript %>, is necessary if VBScript is not used. All script instructions must be included inside <% %>. Otherwise everything looks like regular HTML.


This next example shows an ASP written in VBScript.


<% @LANGUAGE = VBScript %>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">




              <TITLE>Simple ASP Example</TITLE>



<H1>Wayne's Welcome Page</H1>


               <P><% If Time >- #12:00:00 AM# And Time < #12:00:00 PM# Then %> </P>

               <H2>Good Morning!!! Bueno Dias!!! Guten Morgen!!! Selamat Pagi!!!</H2>


               <P><% ElseIf Time >- #12:00:00 PM# And Time < #6:00:00 PM# Then %> </P>

               <H2>Good Afternoon!!! Buena Tarde!!! Guten Tag!!! Selamat Tengah Hari!!!</H2>


               <P><%Else%> </P>

               <H2>Good Evening!!! Buena Noche!!! Gute Nacht!!! Selamat Malam!!! </H2>


               <P><%End If %> </P>


<H2>Thanks. Gracias. Danke. Terimakasih.</H2>




Notice the way that the HTML is embedded inside the VBScript. The script compares the server’s time and displays only the appropriate greetings. For more information on ASPs  and other types of server side programming, check


10.6 CGI and Perl


10.6.1 Introduction to CGI (


Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is not a language. It's a simple protocol or standard for communicating between external applications and Web servers. CGI allows for dynamic interaction with HTML documents. A CGI script can be written in any language that can read STDIN (Standard Input), write to STDOUT (Standard Output), and read environment variables, i.e. virtually any programming language, including C, Perl, Visual Basic, or even shell scripting. The CGI script is a program or subroutine that is invoked by the server through the CGI interface. The server is the application program running on a separate computer. CGI uses an environment variable, which is a parameter, used to carry information between the server and the script.


10.6.2 Structure of a CGI Script


Here's the typical sequence of steps for a CGI script:


   1.Read the user's input.

   2.Do what you want with the data.

   3.Write the HTML response to STDOUT.


When the user submits the form, the script receives the form data as a set of name-value pairs. The names are what you defined in the INPUT tags (or SELECT or TEXTAREA tags), and the values are whatever the user typed in or selected. If the form tag includes the GET method <FORM ACTION=CGI URL METHOD=GET>, then the CGI program receives the tags in the QUERY_STRING environment variable.


This set of name-value pairs is given to you as one long string, which you need to parse. It's not very complicated, and there are plenty of existing routines to do it. The format of the long string is  "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3".


This must be split on the ampersands and equal signs. Then, for each name and value:

        1.Convert all "+" characters to spaces, and

        2.Convert all "%xx" sequences to the single character whose ascii value is "xx", in hex. For example, convert "%3d" to "=".  Software to automate this can be downloaded from


This is needed because the original long string is URL-encoded, to allow for equal signs, ampersands, and so forth in the user's input. For example, entering a name and e-mail address in a form may result in the following:




If the form tag includes the POST method <FORM ACTION=CGI URL METHOD=POST>, read it from STDIN. The exact number of bytes to read is in the environment variable CONTENT_LENGTH.  POST is more general-purpose, but GET is fine for small forms.





<INPUT NAME=”X” SIZE=5>          {Assume user enters “A B C”}

<INPUT NAME=”Y” SIZE=3>           {Assume user enters “123”}



The CGI program receives the following:



stdin: X=A+B+C&Y=123


To send the response back to the user, write the line

     Content-Type: text/html

plus another blank line, to STDOUT. After that, write your HTML response page to STDOUT, and it will be sent to the user when your script is done. That's all there is to it.


In addition to text/html, images, audio clips and plain-text documents can be returned. A CGI program can also direct the browser to a particular document or have the server automatically send a new one by using a Location line:




The two line-feed characters are necessary to form a blank line after the Location: line.


The following is an example of a C program that could be called from an HTML document.


#include <stdio.h>


void main() {


    /** Print the CGI response header, required for all HTML output. **/

    /** Note the extra \n, to send the blank line.                   **/

    printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n") ;


    /** Print the HTML response page to STDOUT. **/

    printf("<html>\n") ;

    printf("<head><title>CGI Output</title></head>\n") ;

    printf("<body>\n") ;

    printf("<h1>Hello, world.</h1>\n") ;

    printf("</body>\n") ;

    printf("</html>\n") ;


    exit(0) ;



This same program could be written and compiled in just about any language. Most CGI programs are written in a scripting language, like perl.


10.6.3 Introduction to Perl (


Perl (Practical Extraction and Reporting Language) is an interpreted language designed for scanning arbitrary text files, extracting information from these files, and printing reports based on the information.  It is a scripting language that combines many of the features of C, sed, awk and sh from the UNIX environment.  It is available on most platforms including UNIX, DOS, Windows, OS/2 and Macintosh and is often distributed for free.


The following is a simple Perl “Hello World” CGI program.




# Hello World CGI program



print <<EOF;

Content-type: text/html




<TITLE>Hello World!</TITLE>



Hello World!!!






The above program prints everything between print <<EOF; and EOF exactly as it appears. The first line #!/usr/bin/perl indicates that the path to the perl interpreter is at /usr/bin. The two symbols #! (called a she-bang) indicates that the perl script is to be executed.


Most Perl programmers writing for CGI use a library of routines that print the routine HTML code.  The above “Hello World” CGI program could also be written as follows:


#Module which implements common CGI handling routines

require ‘’;

print &PrintHeader();

$title = “Hello World!’;  #sets title to be used by &HtmlTop

print &HtmlTop();

print “Hello World!!\n”;

print &HtmlBot();


The subroutine HtmlTop and others would be coded as follows:


# HtmlTop

# Returns the <HEAD> of a document and the beginning of the body with the title and a # body <H1> header as specified by the parameter

sub HtmlTop


            local ($title) = @_;

            return <<EOT;










10.6.4 Simple Perl Examples


This first example reads data from the keyboard and then echoes it back to the user.



$inputline = <STDIN>;

print( $inputline );


The following example is an interactive “Hello World” program that uses a form to find the name of the user and then says hello.




#module which implements common CGI handling routines

require ‘’;


$HtmlAction = ‘’;


if (&MethGet()) {   #send the form

            print &PrintHeader();

$title = “Interactive Hello World!’;

print &HtmlTop();

print <<EOT;


Please enter your first name:

<INPUT SIZE=20 NAME=”fname”><P>






print &HtmlBot();

} elsif (&MethPost()) {

            &ReadParse();   #Process the form

# Output the form including the name

            print &PrintHeader();

$title = “Interactive Hello World!’;

print &HtmlTop();

print “Hello, $in{‘fname’}!”;

print &HtmlBot();



The following example illustrates a more complicated example that parses a date and displays the date and time.





#                                date.cgi                                                                                       #

#                                                                                                                                              #

# This script was written by Selena Sol ( having      #

# been inspired by countless other perl authors.  Feel free to copy, cite, reference, sample,#

# borrow or  plagiarize the contents.  However, please let me know where it goes so  that I #

# can at least watch and take part in the development of the memes. Information wants       #

# to be free, support public domain freeware.                                                                    #

#                                                                                                                                              #



# Set some server specific variables.  You'll have to change these for your own system.


  $graphic = "";

  $return_url = "";


# Run the shell command "date" and assign the output to the variable $date


    $date = `date`;


# Now $date looks like this:  Wed Aug 16 09:17:55 EDT 1995.  But since that is an ugly,

# user-unfriendly format, we want to reorder the terms.  So we assign to the array "@date"

# the contents of $date.  Except we define the terms of @date, as each item separated by

# white space. @date now looks like this:  WedAug1609:16:09EDT1995


    @date = split(/\s+/, $date);


# Now we break up @date into its subcomponents so that each term in @date is represented

# by its own holder variable.  This way we can reorder everything just the way we want them. 

# Since there are 6 terms in  @date, we need 6 holder variables.









# Tell the server (communicating in MIME) to get ready to send an html document to the client.  This is

# basically the mime "header".  Make sure that this extra blank line is included!  This is another MIME

# "command" which lets the server know that we are done with the MIME header.


    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";


# Begin by giving this new, created on the fly, document a title and head and all that  "template" sort of stuff.  # And then send the results of the newly formatted date command to the browser.  Note, in order for

# perl to understand that the "" in the link is not a perl command, and is something it is supposed to send to

# the browser, you escape them " with / BTW, the table and image are just there to make the page look nice # but serves as a good template if you want to use nice formatting for an  otherwise dull service.


    print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>The Time and Date</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>";


    print "<TR ALIGN=CENTER>";

    print "<TD><IMG SRC=\"$graphic\"></TD>";

    print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><BR><HR><BR><H2>Today is: $day, $date1 $day1 $year

          <BR>The time is: $time $time1<BR><HR><BR></TD>\n";

    print "</TR></TABLE>";

    print "</H2><BR>";


# Okay, now include a little link back to the "scripts page so the user doesn't feel "stuck" on this drab little

# page.  Finally, make sure to include those closing tags for tidy HTML coding!


    print "<CENTER><A HREF=\"$return_url\">Go back to Selena Sol's Sample Scripts</a> </CENTER>";

    print “</BODY></HTML>”;


Perl is a very elegant scripting language, but requires quite a bit of practice to become adept at coding in. For a series of examples, check and  One of the better books on programming in Perl and CGI is a small book Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web by Elizabeth Castro (ISBN: 0-201-35358-X). lists an extensive list of CGI and perl sites on the Internet.


10.7 Java (


10.7.1 Introduction to Java


Java is a full-blown object-oriented programming language. Java was developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991 as part of the Green project and originally named Oak. It was          first used in developing an interface for a PDA (Personal Data Assistant) and was used with the Web in 1994 when the HotJava browser was released. It was finally introduced by Sun at SunWorld in May 1995. It brings the capacity for interactivity to the Internet through multimedia and animation.


A Java applet is a form of a Java program designed to run on a Java-compliant Web browser. This includes Netscape Navigator 2.0+ and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0+.  Java programs and applets can be developed using a variety of tools including Microsoft’s Visual J++, Borland’s JBuilder, Symantec’s Café and Sun’s Java Development Kit (JDK). The JDK is freely downloadable from while the other products are commercialware.


It is not possible in this short introduction to explain all of the details of Java.  Listed below are some simple examples of Java programs and Applets.  These and other examples can be found at


10.7.2 Java Program Examples

The following are some simple Java programs.



public class Hello

// program which prints "Hello World!"

// written by Wayne Summers



            public static void main(String[] args)


                        System.out.println("Hello World!");





public class Temperatures

// program which converts temperatures in Celcius to Fahrenheit

// written by Wayne Summers


            public static void main(String[] args)


                        System.out.println("Temperature conversions");




                        double celcius = 25;





            public static void computeFahrenheit(double celciusTemp)


                        double fahrenheitTemp;


                        fahrenheitTemp = 9 / 5 * celciusTemp + 32;


                        System.out.println("Celcius temperature =" + celciusTemp);

                        System.out.println("temperature in Fahrenheit =" + fahrenheitTemp);




10.7.3 Java Applets


Java Applets are applications that cannot stand alone but must be invoked from an HTML document. A simple example follows.


import java.awt.Graphics;

            // Applet that displays Hello World on the screen

            public class HelloWorldC extends java.applet.Applet {

                public void paint(Graphics g) {

                    g.drawString("Hello World", 5, 50);




To invoke this applet from an HTML document requires the following


<APPLET CODE=HelloWorldC.class WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=100>

ALT= "Applet could not be loaded"

Sorry, it is time to upgrade your browser to a Java powered one.<P>



The source code is typed in and saved as the file It is then compiled into an intermediate language called bytecodes and saved as HelloWorldC.class. This bytecode file is then interpreted by the Java plugin to the web browser. The example can be found at


This next example illustrates the use of windows programming features to allow interaction with the user. The example can be found at



            // Recursive Fibonacci Method


            import java.applet.Applet;

            import java.awt.*;


            public class fibo extends Applet {


               Label numLabel, resultLabel;

               TextField num, result;


               public void init()


            /* initialize both labels and Textfields                                        */



                    numLabel = new Label("Enter an integer and press return");

                    num = new TextField(10);

                    resultLabel = new Label("Fibonacci value is");

                    result = new TextField(15);



                    add( numLabel);

                    add( num);

                    add (resultLabel);

                    add (result);



               public boolean action(Event e, Object o)


            /* get number from first TextField, compute and display its     */

            /* fibonacci number                                                             */



                    long number, fibonacciVal;


                    number = Long.parseLong( num.getText());

                    showStatus("Calculating ...");

                    fibonacciVal = fibonacci (number);

                    showStatus ("Done.");

                    result.setText (Long.toString( fibonacciVal ));

                    return true;


              long fibonacci (long n)


            /* recursive definition to compute fibonacci numbers            */



                    if ( n == 0 || n == 1)

                            return n;


                            return (fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2));




The final example is one of the original examples shipped with the JDK and was developed by Sun Microsoystems. A copy of the program can be found at



 * Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for

*  NON-COMMERCIAL or COMMERCIAL purposes and without fee is hereby granted.

* Please refer to the file for further important copyright and

* trademark information and to for further important licensing

 * information for the Java (tm) Technology.




// author: Rachel Gollub, 1995

// modified 96/04/24 Jim Hagen : use getBackground()

// Time!

import java.util.*;

import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;


public class Clock2 extends Applet implements Runnable {

  Thread timer = null;

  int lastxs=0, lastys=0, lastxm=0, lastym=0, lastxh=0, lastyh=0;

  Date dummy = new Date();

  String lastdate = dummy.toLocaleString();


public void init() {

  int x,y;

  resize(300,300);              // Set clock window size



  // Plotpoints allows calculation to only cover 45 degrees of the circle, and then mirror

public void plotpoints(int x0, int y0, int x, int y, Graphics g) {












  // Circle is just Bresenham's algorithm for a scan converted circle

public void circle(int x0, int y0, int r, Graphics g) {

  int x,y;

  float d;






  while (y>x){

    if (d<0) {




    else {









  // Paint is the main part of the program

public void paint(Graphics g) {

  int xh, yh, xm, ym, xs, ys, s, m, h, xcenter, ycenter;

  String today;

  Date dat = new Date();


  s = dat.getSeconds();

  m = dat.getMinutes();

  h = dat.getHours();

  today = dat.toLocaleString();




  // a= s* pi/2 - pi/2 (to switch 0,0 from 3:00 to 12:00)

  // x = r(cos a) + xcenter, y = r(sin a) + ycenter

  xs = (int)(Math.cos(s * 3.14f/30 - 3.14f/2) * 45 + xcenter);

  ys = (int)(Math.sin(s * 3.14f/30 - 3.14f/2) * 45 + ycenter);

  xm = (int)(Math.cos(m * 3.14f/30 - 3.14f/2) * 40 + xcenter);

  ym = (int)(Math.sin(m * 3.14f/30 - 3.14f/2) * 40 + ycenter);

  xh = (int)(Math.cos((h*30 + m/2) * 3.14f/180 - 3.14f/2) * 30 + xcenter);

  yh = (int)(Math.sin((h*30 + m/2) * 3.14f/180 - 3.14f/2) * 30 + ycenter);


  // Draw the circle and numbers

  g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, 14));









  // Erase if necessary, and redraw


  if (xs != lastxs || ys != lastys) {

    g.drawLine(xcenter, ycenter, lastxs, lastys);

    g.drawString(lastdate, 5, 125);


  if (xm != lastxm || ym != lastym) {

    g.drawLine(xcenter, ycenter-1, lastxm, lastym);

    g.drawLine(xcenter-1, ycenter, lastxm, lastym); }

  if (xh != lastxh || yh != lastyh) {

    g.drawLine(xcenter, ycenter-1, lastxh, lastyh);

    g.drawLine(xcenter-1, ycenter, lastxh, lastyh); }


  g.drawString(today, 5, 125); 

  g.drawLine(xcenter, ycenter, xs, ys);


  g.drawLine(xcenter, ycenter-1, xm, ym);

  g.drawLine(xcenter-1, ycenter, xm, ym);

  g.drawLine(xcenter, ycenter-1, xh, yh);

  g.drawLine(xcenter-1, ycenter, xh, yh);

  lastxs=xs; lastys=ys;

  lastxm=xm; lastym=ym;

  lastxh=xh; lastyh=yh;

  lastdate = today;



public void start() {

  if(timer == null)


      timer = new Thread(this);





public void stop() {

  timer = null;



public void run() {

  while (timer != null) {

    try {Thread.sleep(100);} catch (InterruptedException e){}



  timer = null;



public void update(Graphics g) {








10.5 ActiveX (


ActiveX is part of Microsoft’s overall Internet strategy and was developed in response to the development of Java. ActiveX helps build dynamic Internet tools, content and sites. ActiveX controls are reusable software components created by a variety of software vendors that can be used to quickly add specialized functionality to Web sites, desktop applications, and development tools. For example, a stock ticker control could be used to add a live stock ticker to a Web page, or an animation control could be used to add animation features to a Web page.  ActiveX Controls are based upon the OLE 2.0 specification and support interaction with other applications including word processing and spreadsheets. At this time, ActiveX Controls are not supported in Netscape or on UNIX platforms.


The following example displays a digital clock on the web page.







Sub lblClock_Click

            PopUpWindow.Popup ""

End Sub


Sub Timer_Timer()


End Sub











            <PARAM NAME="Caption" VALUE="Dept. of Commerce Time Server">

            <PARAM NAME="FontName" VALUE="Arial">

            <PARAM NAME="FontBold" VALUE="1">

            <PARAM NAME="FontSize" VALUE="12">

            <PARAM NAME="backcolor" VALUE="1">

            <PARAM NAME="forecolor" VALUE="1">

            <PARAM NAME="Alignment" VALUE="Left">


<Object ID="PopUpWindow"












            <Param Name="Interval" Value="100">

            <Param Name="Enbaled" Value="True">





CAUTION: It is possible to receive an ActiveX Control that can perform malicious acts on computers. Always use caution when activating an ActiveX control.