APPENDIX G: Creating a Web Page using Homesite


Homesite ( is a Web authoring and management tool that requires some knowledge of HTML tags. Homesite consists of an editor where you add text, links, images, tables, forms, and other elements to your page. Homesite also has a Browse mode that displays the page as it would appear in the IE browser, and a Design mode that allows the user to design a page without using the HTML tags.


1)    When you click on the New Document icon, you are provided with a template.



2)    Make sure to change Untitled to the title of the document. Everything else needs t be inserted within the BODY of the document.

3)    You can insert images, hyperlink anchors and other tags by clicking the appropriate icons in the HTML bar above the Edit window. The most important tags on QuickTab are the anchor tag (for links) and the image tag next to it. Most of the other tags are self-explanatory. You can insert tags for fonts, tables, frames, etc. by selecting the appropriate tab.



4)    To the left of the edit window is the document list. You can link to a document in the list by simply dragging the file icon from the document list to the edit window. This works for both anchors and images.

5)    Many of the tags with parameters can be edited by selecting the tag with the right mouse button and choosing Edit Tag.

6)    A list (ordered or unordered) can also be created by highlighting the lines to convert to a list, clicking the right mouse button, and then choosing Selection from the menu.



7)    You can preview your document from HomeSite by selecting the Browse button. The appearance might NOT be exactly the same as when the document is viewed with a regular Web browser. To view the document with a browser, make sure to save the file and then reload the document in the browser.

8)    Be sure to spell-check your document and verify the links on the page. Save your document when you are finished.