Chapter 9: Advanced Publishing on the Internet


9.1 Introduction


The design and creation of web (HTML) documents has changed considerably during the last several years. Where a few years ago, most pages consisted of text, images and links, we now see a considerable amount of new HTML tags that allow the web designer to create more dynamic pages. This chapter focuses on some of the recent and more advanced innovation in web publishing including tables, frames, forms, image-maps and Netscape and Microsoft HTML extensions.


9.2 Designing your Web Document


Before you continue, re-read 8.5 What Makes a Good HTML Document? Designing a web document is not a lot different from designing a printed document. In both cases, you want to focus the reader's attention on the content of the document.


Remember that not everyone on the Internet is using the same browser as you. Currently Netscape and Internet Explorer comprise over 90% of the web browsers but there are multiple versions of each in use today.  There are still many users who are using a text-based browser and many others who have turned their graphics off. All browsers may not support many of the HTML tags discussed in this chapter.  One of the keys to designing a good page is testing the page. Every page you put on the web should be tested using at least the two most popular browsers. If possible test with more than one version of each browser. Make sure that the page is tested with the graphics turned off.  It is also important to test the page with different resolutions. Remember that not everyone has a 17" monitor with 1760x1280 and true-color.  Make sure that the page looks reasonable on a variety of resolutions.


9.2.1 Page Organization


If you are designing multiple pages, it is important to have a consistent and logical layout. You should first design a template and use it for all related pages.  A web page template might include a graphic that ties the application pages together. It should include a page title, navigation buttons, possibly a logo, and information about the author and the revision date.   Be sure to include the author's e-mail address for feedback.




9.3 Tables (


Tables are used to organize the text and images in an HTML document. TABLEs require start and end tags. Each table starts with an optional CAPTION followed by one or more TR elements defining table rows. Each row has one or more cells defined by TH or TD elements. Attributes for TABLE elements are WIDTH, ALIGN, BORDER, CELLSPACING and CELLPADDING.


An example of a table is:



            <TD>Day 1</TD>




            <TD>Day 2</TD>





This displays as:

Day 1      HTML

 Day 2     JavaScript


By default the table is aligned to the left. The width of the table is determined by the content of the longest element in each column. The content of each cell is centered and to the left edge of each cell.  All of these defaults can be overridden. TABLE attributes are optional. By default, the table is rendered without a surrounding border. The table is sized automatically to fit the contents. You can also set the table width in pixels or percent using the WIDTH attribute. BORDER, CELLSPACING and CELLPADDING provide further control over the table's appearance. The WIDTH attribute can be used to set the table width to a fixed value in pixels or as a percentage of the space between the current left and right margins. The BORDER attribute is used to specify the width of the outer border around the table and is given by the number of pixels. CELLSPACING specifies the amount of space inserted between individual cells in a table. CELLPADDING specifies the amount of space between the border of a cell and its contents. The ALIGN attribute can be used to position the table to the LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT.


The CAPTION element is used for captions. These are rendered at the top or bottom of the table depending on the optional ALIGN attribute. Each table row is contained in a TR element. Table cells are defined by TD elements for data and TH elements for headers. TH and TD support several attributes: ALIGN and VALIGN for aligning cell content, ROWSPAN and COLSPAN for cells which span more than one row or column. A cell can contain a wide variety of other block and text level elements including form fields and other tables.



<CAPTION>this is my agenda</CAPTION>



            <TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="MIDDLE">Day 1</TD>




            <TD>Day 2</TD>

            <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="BOTTOM">JavaScript</TD>




Tables can also be nested as shown in the following example.



<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="class.htm">Class Notes and Syllabi</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="educatio.htm">Educational Sites</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="Outreach.htm">Educational Outreach Sites</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="research.htm">Research Interests:</A>




<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="internet.htm">Internet / WWW / HTML</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="delphi.htm">Delphi Programming</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="security.htm">Computer Security</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="virus.htm">Computer Viruses</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="networks.htm">Computer Networking</A>]</TD></TR>





<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="malaysia.htm">Malaysia and Other SE Asia Sites</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="">New Mexico Highlands University</A>]</TD></TR>

<TR><TD WIDTH=100%>[<A HREF="">NMHU Computer Science Department</A>]




Some browsers also support different colors and backgrounds for the table and its cells using the BGCOLOR and BACKGROUND attributes

<TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#000080" WIDTH="80%">


        <TD BGCOLOR="#008000">This is green </TD>

        <TD BACKGROUND="../images/pencil.gif">This should display an image in the background </TD>



        <TD BGCOLOR="#800000">This is red </TD>

        <TD>this should display the color for the table </TD>




9.4 Frames (


Frames are an extension to HTML introduced by Netscape and should only be used if they add considerably to the document. Remember that with a frames page, the layout document must be loaded in addition to each of the content documents. Frames provide a way to organize and structure the content of the HTML documents by allowing compound documents in multiple windows of the Internet browser. Not all browsers support frames. To use frames, you create a document that uses the FRAMESET and FRAME elements to divide the main window into rectangular frames (like panes in a window). Then, for each frame, you specify an HTML document that contains the content (text and images) to fill the frame.




<TITLE>Two Frames</TITLE>



<FRAME SRC="essay1.htm">

<FRAME SRC="quest1.htm">





This creates two frames side-by-side with the left frame occupying 75% of the screen and the right frame spans the rest of the screen. Note that this document does not contain a BODY element. This is because documents that define frames do not contain content. Instead, the SRC attribute in each FRAME specifies a document. In this example, the essay1.htm and quest1.htm files contain the content for the frames.


You can divide the main window into rows, as well as columns, by using the ROWS= attribute. Furthermore, you can independently divide individual rows into rows and columns by nesting FRAMESET elements. The following example shows how to divide the main window into two rows in which the last row is divided into two columns:



<HEAD><TITLE>English Composition #1</TITLE></HEAD>



<B>Warning!</B> This document should be viewed with a frames-capable browser. Please obtain the latest version of Netscape to view with frames.  If you cannot obtain a frames-capable browser, switch to the <A HREF="comp1a.htm">non-frames version</A>



   <FRAMESET COLS=70%,30%> 

   <FRAME SCROLLING=YES SRC="essay1.htm">

   <FRAME SCROLLING=YES SRC="quest1.htm">






In this example, the SCROLLING attribute is used in the first FRAME element to prevent the scroll bar from being displayed. By default, Netscape and Internet Explorer displays the scroll bar only if the entire content of the frame does not fit within the frame. Setting SCROLLING to NO always prevents the scroll bar.


The FRAME element has attributes to let you set the width and height of margins within the frame, and whether the frame has a border. The FRAMESET element has attributes to let you set the spacing between frames, and whether the frames in the set have borders.


An important feature of the FRAME element is the NAME attribute. This attribute lets you assign a unique name to the frame; you then use this name when creating hyperlinks to direct documents into the frame. To create such a hyperlink, use the TARGET= attribute in the A element. For example, the following element creates a hyperlink that displays the essay1.htm file in a frame named ESSAY:


<A HREF="essay1.htm" TARGET="ESSAY">Essay on Keropok</A>


Internet Explorer now supports embedded frames using the IFRAME tag.  These "floating frames" allow a page to contain other pages in much the same way that a page can contain images.


<IFRAME SRC="essay1.htm" ALIGN="left" HEIGHT="200" WIDTH="50%"></IFRAME>

Here's some text to the right of a frame.

<BR CLEAR=LEFT>Here's some text beneath the frame.



9.5 Forms (


Forms were defined in HTML 2.0 and are used for soliciting input from users. Forms provide a way to prompt the user for information and to carry out actions based on the user's input. A form contains one or more input controls that the user uses to enter text and select choices. Once the user provides the input, the form collects the data and sends it to a destination specified in the form element. To carry out the requested action, the server must have a script or other service that corresponds to the given destination. This script processes the information and can perform actions necessary to process the data.


To create a form, you use the FORM element to enclose one or more INPUT elements. FORM tags may include METHOD and ACTION attributes. The ACTION attribute specifies a URL that indicates a specific CGI script or program that collects and processes the form data. The METHOD attribute describes the way in which the input data will be delivered to the program.  The different scripting languages can also process forms.


The INPUT elements define the type and function of the input controls in the form. The following example shows how to combine these elements to create a form. These tags are used to gather information from the user. Once the form is filled out, the user will need to press a SUBMIT button which gathers the information and sends it to the proper destination on the Web server. Typically the data will be sent to a CGI script or program which will then process the data. This program may or may not send back a response.


·        The <INPUT TYPE="TEXT"> tag is used to specify single lines of input. This tag must also have a NAME attribute and may have SIZE and MAXLENGTH attributes.


·        The <TEXTAREA> ... </TEXTAREA> tag pair is used to specify multiple lines of input. This tag requires a NAME attribute as well as ROWS and COLS attributes.


·        The Radio Button tag <INPUT TYPE="RADIO"> is used to create a radio button for a range of selections from which the user may select only one. This tag requires a name for the radio button group and a VALUE tag for each button. It may also have a CHECKED attribute.


·        The Check Box tag <INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX"> is used to allow the user to make multiple selections. This tag requires a name for the check box group and a VALUE tag for each box. It may also have a CHECKED attribute.


·        A selection list is a typical scrolling list, such as the list of files display in a file open dialog. <SELECT> ... </SELECT> set of tags to be inserted into the current document, bracketing <OPTION> tags corresponding to each list item which has been defined. The NAME attribute is required. SIZE and MULTIPLE attributes are optional.


·        Every form a Web page designer creates will most likely have a "submit" button (<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT">) tag defined for it. The SUBMIT button is used to submit the form data for processing. The "Reset Button" resets the fields defined in a form back to their default contents. The VALUE attribute is used to change the label on the button.


<FORM ACTION="mailto:" METHOD="post">


Enter Your Name:<INPUT TYPE="text " NAME="UserName" VALUE="">


Enter Your E-mail Address:<INPUT TYPE="text " NAME="e-mail" VALUE="">


What do you teach?


<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="course" VALUE="math">Mathematics<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="course" VALUE="sci">Science<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="course" VALUE="cs">Computer Science<BR>

<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="course" VALUE="other">Other<BR>




<TEXTAREA NAME="comments" ROWS=5 COLS=30 WRAP="virtual"></TEXTAREA>


<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send Data">

<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset Form">



Entering the data above results in the following type of output sent to an e-mail address: UserName=Wayne+Summers&


Notice the = and + signs as well as the ASCII codes. This can be fixed by including enctype="text/plain" in the <form> element which displays the data as:


UserName=Wayne Summers


comments=Does this look okay? I don’t think so!



9.6 Image-maps (


Image maps allow users to access other documents by clicking different areas in an image. Image maps can be implemented in two ways: by storing image map information on a server or by including image map information in your document. This second type is commonly referred to as client-side image maps. Image maps require an image as well as a map of the image. The map includes coordinates of different shapes and the URL associated with the shape.


If you store image map information on a server, you need a script or other service on the server to process click information. In your document, you mark the image as a "server-side" image map by using the ISMAP attribute in the IMG element and enclosing the image in an A element, as in the following example:


<A><IMG SRC="world2.gif" ALT="Picture of Globe" ISMAP></A>


In this example, the image map information is in the file named When the user clicks the picture in world2.gif, the server receives the coordinates of the click and can pick the appropriate destination for the click by checking the information in


If you include the image map information in your document, the browser processes the click information and picks the appropriate destination for the click. In your document, you mark the image as a "client-side" image map by using the USEMAP attribute in the IMG element, and you add image map information by using the MAP and AREA elements, as in the following example:


<MAP NAME="world">

<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="0,0,420,361" HREF="samp-img.htm">

<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="124,32,265,84" HREF="">

<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="40,78,99,223" HREF="../class.htm">

<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="124,90,265,141" HREF="">

<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="124,40,265,177" HREF="../research.htm">

<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="124,178,265,249" HREF="../educatio.htm">

<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="278,116,317,243" HREF="../malaysia.htm">


<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="../images/world2.gif" USEMAP="#world">


This displays as:




In this example, the image map defines six rectangular areas. The area on the left is linked to class.htm. The area on the top is linked to  The left coordinate, top coordinate, right coordinate and bottom coordinate determine each rectangle. Graphics programs like PaintShop Pro and Lview Pro can be used to determine these coordinates.


The AREA element permits other shapes, such as circles and polygons. If two or more shapes overlap, the browser uses the first shape defined in the MAP element to determine the destination. Any number of AREA elements can specify the same destination.



9.7 Extensions to HTML


9.7.1 META Tag


Netscape 1.1 introduced the <META> tag as part of the <HEAD> section of an HTML document. This tag is now recognized as part of HTML 3.2. As part of the Netscape extension is the HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" option which links the document to another document.  The following tag will cause the browser to link to after five (5) seconds.  Internet Explorer now supports this tag.



9.7.2 Type attribute


The TYPE attribute can be used to set the bullet style on UL and LI tags. The permitted values are "disc", "square" or "circle". The default generally depends on the level of nesting for lists.


·        with <li type="disc">

n       with <li type="square">

¡      with <li type="circle">


The numbered list OL and LI tags also has a TYPE attribute. The allowed TYPEs include


A.     with <li type="A">

a)     with <li type="a">

I.         with <li type="I">

i.        with <li type="i">

1.      with <li type="1">


You can also start your list with values other than 1 by using the START attribute in the <OL> tag:


<OL START=4> starts counting on 4, D, d, IV, or iv depending on the type.


9.7.3 SOUND tag (


Microsoft has added a BGSOUND attribute to the BODY tag that allows a sound file to load without the user having to click on anything. The LOOP attribute determines the number of times the sound file is to be played and can have a value of "infinite."


<BODY BGSOUND SRC = "Mozart.mid" LOOP="2">


Microsoft has also introduced a BGSOUND tag which requires the user to click on the "play" button.


To achieve similar results with Netscape, you need to use the EMBED tag.




9.7.4 FONT FACE attribute (


Microsoft has also added a FACE attribute to the FONT tag. This enables the Internet Explorer to select the first available font face for displaying the text.


<FONT FACE="Times, Roman, Arial, Algerian">Display this text</FONT>


9.7.5 Table colors and backgrounds


Many of the browsers now recognize color attributes for the TABLE and TD tags. Microsoft has extended this to include BACKGROUND attributes for both tags as well as a BORDERCOLOR attribute.




            <TD>This is the default color </TD>

            <TD BGCOLOR="#FF0000">This is red </TD>



            <TD BACKGROUND="../images/alpha.gif">this should display an image </TD>

            <TD BORDERCOLOR="purple" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="red">This should display a border color </TD>





9.7.6 Marquees (


Microsoft has also introduced a MARQUEE tag that provides for scrolling text across the screen.  It includes attributes for ALIGN, DIRECTION, LOOP, BGCOLOR, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HSPACE, VSPACE, SCROLLAMOUNT and SCROLLDELAY.  These last two attributes can be used to control the smoothness and quickness of the marquee text.


<MARQUEE ALIGN="middle" BEHAVIOR=SLIDE BGCOLOR="#00FF00" DIRECTION="right" LOOP="1" HEIGHT=50 WIDTH="25%">This is a marquee</MARQUEE>



9.8 Cascading Style Sheets (see


Style sheets describe how documents are presented on screens, in print, or perhaps how they are pronounced. The STYLE tag and its attributes allow the author to specify fonts, margin sizes, indents and customize many of the other tags. By attaching style sheets to structured HTML documents, authors and readers can influence the presentation of documents without adding new HTML tags. Style sheets allow designers to express common typographic effects.  They allow externally linked, as well as internal and inline style sheets.


To use attributes within the STYLE tags for the entire HTML document, the STYLE tags and attributes must be placed after the <HTML> tag and before the <BODY> tag. Tags that are being redefined are listed between the <STYLE> and </STYLE> tags. Each redefined tag is followed by the attributes in brackets (}) and separated by semicolons.  Some of the available attributes include font, font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style, text-decoration, background, margin-left, margin-right, text-align, and text-indent.


Typically the styles are placed in the HEAD of the document, although they can also be placed in the BODY and often are placed in a separate file. The basic format of the STYLE tag is:


    <STYLE TYPE="text/css">

        HTML tag.class {special formatting}


        <SPAN> {special formatting}




<STYLE TYPE="text/css">


BODY{background: #FFFFEE; color: #000077; font-size: 14pt; font-family: Arial Black; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; margin-left: 1in; margin-right: 1in}

P{margin-top: 5px; margin: 0.25in}







            <TITLE>Style Sheet example</TITLE>


<STYLE TYPE="text/css">


            { font-size: 14pt; font-family: Arial Black; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; margin-left: 1in; margin-right: 1in; color: Maroon; background: Aqua }

H1 {font: 24pt Futura bold; text-align: center}

A {text-decoration: none; color: red}

HR {align: center; color: green; width: 50%; height=10}




<H1>this is my heading 1</H1>


<A HREF="cascade.htm">Cascade Style Sheets</A>


What do you think?




Style tags can be inserted directly into other tags to change the style as shown in the last P tag below. You can also define multiple classes for each tag as shown below with the H2.ital and P.basic tags






        <TITLE>Style Sheet example</TITLE>


<STYLE TYPE="text/css">



BODY{ font-size: 14pt; font-family: Arial Black; font-weight: normal; text-align: left; margin-left: 1in; margin-right: 1in; color: Maroon; background: Aqua }

H1 {font-family: Symbol; text-align: center}

H2.ital {font-style: italic; font-family: Wingdings}

H3 {text-align: center}

P.basic {color: blue; background: yellow; font-weight: bold}

SPAN {font: 16 pt sans-serif; color: brown}

A {text-decoration: none; color: red}

HR {align: center; width: 50%}




<H1>this is my heading 1</H1>


<A HREF="cascade.htm">Cascade Style Sheets</A>


<P CLASS="basic">What do you think?<BR>Is this what you expected?</P>


<H2 CLASS="ital">this is my heading 2</H2>


<H3>and this is my heading 3</H3>



What do you think now?



<P STYLE="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in; font-style: italic">

This paragraph is indented 1/2 inch from each margin and is italized. Does it

look right to you? Do you understand Style Sheets now?





You can also link a style sheet from another file to the HTML document.  The style sheet file must be a text file with an extension of .css and include only the tags and attributes that would normally go between the <STYLE> tags.


<LINK REL="style" TYPE="text/css" SRC="style1.css">



9.9 Dynamic HTML (


The next major modification to HTML is now taking place. Soon we will have web pages that allow overlapping of graphics and text and that allow objects on a web page to be moved around.  Dynamic HTML will allow viewers to change the appearance of an HTML document after it has been downloaded into a browser.  Microsoft Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Navigator 4.0 each support different versions of Dynamic HTML. 


Microsoft uses an additional id layer to the DIV tag to create positioned HTML layers.


<DIV ID="layer1">

<STYLE="position:absolute; left: 10px; top:100px; width:250px; height:200px">

Content will appear in the specified position when viewed by I.E. 4.0



Netscape uses JavaScript accessible stylesheets (JASS) and positional layers containing the HTML code.  The positional layers require a new <LAYER> tag.   The LAYER tag uses attributes for size, position, transparency, color and background images.


The following shows two layers in Netscape, but not in Internet Explorer.






        <TITLE>Layers example</TITLE>




<H1>Using ABOVE and BELOW Layers</H1>


<LAYER ID="Top" LEFT=60 TOP=120 WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=300 BGCOLOR="blue">

This layer is on top, even though it appears first in the HTML



<LAYER ID="Bottom" ABOVE="Top" LEFT=10 TOP=70 WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=300 BGCOLOR="green">

This layer is on the bottom, even though it appears last in the HTML





Similarly the following which allows the two layers to turn on and off only works in Netscape.






        <TITLE>Changing the visibility of Layers example</TITLE>



                #layer1 { position: absolute; left: 0.25in; top: 1.5in;

                                color: black; background-color: green; visibility: hidden}

                #layer2 { position: absolute; left: 0.25in; top: 1.5in;

                                color: black; background-color: blue; visibility: hidden}

                FORM {text-align: center}







<H1>Changing Visibility Dynamically</H1>



        <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Show Layer 1"


        <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="Show Layer 2"




<DIV ID="layer1">

        <H1>This is layer1.</H1>



<DIV ID="layer2">

        <H1>This is layer2.</H1>





Dynamic HTML extends the capabilities of HTML considerably. The next chapter discusses extending HTML even further using scripting and programming languages.