APPENDIX H: Installing Netscape and Other Network Software


Getting the Software


If your computer is connected to Highlands Local Area Network (LAN), you can connect to several computers that have Netscape and other Internet software.  One of those computers is gibson (


Connect to the WebEditor directory above.  You will find the copies of, HTMLAssistant, Homesite and other Internet software.  Feel free to browse among the other subdirectories on gibson.  We try to ensure that only shareware and freeware are available.


If you know how to use ftp, you can also get the software from an ftp site listed in the appendix.  You can also use Netscape to download a file from an ftp site, if you prefix the address with ftp, e.g. .  Many programs are also available directly from the author or company through Netscape.


A great resource for Windows software is Connect to their site and follow the menus to the appropriate software.


Installing the Software


Netscape, HTMLAssistant and many other downloaded software are compressed executable files [They have .exe extensions].  You should put the file in a temporary directory on your hard disk.  Then type the name of the file or run the file from Windows. [For version 1.22 of Netscape, you would run n16e122.exe]. This will uncompress the .exe file into several files in the temporary directory.  One of the files should be a file named setup.exe.  You will need to run this file.  Most software will then ask which directory you want to contain the software and in which program group to put the icons.  Most installations are pretty smooth once you have reached this stage.


Some software like HoTMetal are compressed into .zip files.  To decompress these files, you will need another program like WINZIP.EXE.  This program is available in the jaring subdirectory on gibson.  These programs are also available at most ftp sites and tucows.