Dynamic HTML

Dynamic HTML is the newest wave of innovation to the Web. Unfortunately Netscape and Microsoft are battling it out over which way to do dynamic HTML. Netscape has introduced a new <LAYER> tag while Microsoft has added to the functionality of the <DIV> tag. Netscape's <LAYER> tag is only supported by Netscape Navigator and Communicator 4.0 and higher while Microsoft's <DIV> tag is only supported by Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher. In order to see the effects of dynamic HTML in the examples below, you must be using the appropriate browser. To overcome these deficiencies, you need to either write separate documents for each browser or test for the browser within the script and handle each separately. (Determining Browser Vendor, Version, and Operating System With JavaScript)

DHTML Standards

Examples of Dynamic HTML
  1. Changing the visibility of Layers example [only works in Netscape]
  2. Changing the visibility of Layers example [works with both browsers]
  3. <LAYER> version of the flower example [only works with Netscape]
  4. style sheet version of the flower example [only works with Netscape]
  5. Flowering Layers Example [works with both browsers]
  6. Dynamic HTML Lab
  7. Popup Demo
Examples of Student Work
  1. Simple Example [only works in IE]
  2. Koi Racing
  3. Amy's Flying Cow
  4. Bill's moon and skeletons
  5. DHTML Fish with an attitude
  6. Gordon's Lumber - lots of action!!!

  1. Taylor's Dynamic HTML Tutorial
  2. Cross-Browser DHTML
  3. Inside Dynamic HTML: source of Dynamic HTML and JavaScript information.
  4. Index Dynamic HTML - links, examples, and documentation.

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written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu