CS 458/558 – Network Management                             NAME______________________

Spring 2002                 FINAL EXAM


You must answer all questions.


You may use any of the software tools (as well as some new ones) that have been discussed in this class to answer the following questions.


1. Given the network with a subnet mask of, identify the valid host addresses:


2.      Users on the network are complaining that they cannot access the corporate intranet server at www.inouse.com. In troubleshooting this problem, you find that you are able to telnet from a workstation on this network to the internal webserver via its IP address. What is the most likely cause of this problem?


3.       (15 pts)

    1. What is the IP address for the main webserver at Columbus State University?
    2. What is the IP address and hostname for the gateway router at Columbus State University?
    3. What is the e-mail administrative contact for Columbus State’s network?


4.      Use snmpwalk on rex.nmhu.edu to answer the following questions about route.nmhu.edu [Note that route.nmhu.edu is in the Community = public] (50 pts)

a.       What software is running on this device and when was it installed (compiled)?

b.      Where is this device located?

c.       How long has this device been up?

d.      What is the contact number if there is a problem?

e.       What is the full Object ID for this device

                                                   i.      In hybrid form?

                                                 ii.      In numeric form?

f.        List the IP addresses in this device’s IP Address Table.

g.       What is the size of the largest IP datagram that this entity can reassemble from incoming IP fragmented datagrams received?

                                                   i.      Explain what this number means.

h.       List the types of interfaces on this device.

i.         What are the MAC addresses of the two NICs in this device?

j.        Is this device a gateway? Explain how you determine this.

k.      What is the next hop for Where is the next hop device located?

l.         What is the range of values for timeouts in milliseconds for TCP retransmissions?

m.     What is the Object ID for?

n.       Use snmpwalk with device Explain what you discovered. HINT: look at part e above.


5.      What do you expect the SNMP Access Policy for route.nmhu.edu to be? What should it be? (10 pts)


6.      Assume you have read-write access for route.nmhu.edu. Write the trap PDU for a message sent to route.nmhu.edu one second after one of the communication links fails. Treat the trap as generic and leave the specified trap field blank. The only varBind that the trap sends is the sysUpTime. (10 pts)


7.      The following is the informal description of a flight record: (10 pts)

Airline = American

      Flight   = 1106

      Date  = 23 April 23, 2002

      Time = 0900


Total = 320

 Occupied =  107

 Vacant = 213


origin  = ABQ

destination = LAX

             CrewSize = 10 (crew can be 4, 6, 8, or 10)


  a) Write for this record an ASN.1 description of the record structure

  b) Write for this record the ASN.1 Description for this record value


8.      Differentiate between RMON and RMON2. (10 pts)


9.      Answer the following questions about rex. (35 pts)

a.       How long has rex.nmhu.edu (gibson) been up?

b.      Use the finger instruction to find out if I have e-mail waiting in my account on rex.

c.       What is the IP address for the local loopback?

d.      What is the maximum number of bytes of data in a single transmission for the local loopback?

e.       What interrupt is used by the network card?

f.        What is the IP address for rex’s default DNS server? What is its MAC address?

g.       What is the IP address of rex’s default gateway? What is its MAC address?


10.  Review the tcpdump found in message 151 in the WebCT discussion. Describe what you observe from the tcpdump. How could this be used? (10 pts)


11.  Explain how traffic analysis can jeopardize network security. (10 pts)


12.  We have discussed on several occasions how congested the network at NMHU is and how it is affecting the student education. Assume that you have been hired as the new CIO (Chief Information Officer) at NMHU. Outline a plan for fixing this problem. Be sure to discuss options where the university has “lots” of money and where it has limited funds. (25 pts)