CS456/556 – Internet Services Midterm due October 14, 1999 by 6:15 p.m. MDT


  1. Discussion – Internet Services. [e-mail all of your answers to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu by 6:15 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 14, 1999]
  1. Describe three Internet Services other than the World-Wide Web. Be sure to include the protocols associated with the service and list several clients and/or servers that are used with each service. (30 pts)
  2. Describe in detail what happens when your web browser accesses the page at http://csc.ColumbusState.edu/summers. Be sure to describe what occurs at the client and server sides as well as during transmission. (10 pts)
  3. Connect to http://csc.ColumbusState.edu/summers and then connect to ftp://jaring.nmhu.edu. (10 pts)
  1. Do you connect to the same server?
  2. Explain why or why not?
  3. What is the function of each?
  1. Ping jaring.nmhu.edu and (10 pts)
  1. Explain what you observed.
  2. Are they the same computer?
  3. Explain the significance of the two addresses that you pinged.


  1. Hands-on Exercises. (40 pts)
  1. Telnet to merlin.nmhu.edu and enter atlas as your user-id with no password. E-mail to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu – The names of the three libraries that are accessible from Smallnet. (5 pts)
  2. Ftp to jaring.nmhu.edu and download the file mountain.gif. E-mail this file as an attachment to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu (10 pts)
  3. Submit a message to the bulletin board for WebCT. (5 pts)
  4. Create a web page that contains the following requirements. E-mail me a copy of the web page as well as the picture. (20 pts)

[Your web page must be a properly formed web page with head and body, etc.; points will be deducted for "messy" HTML code]

  1. a picture of the Zuni symbol and a heading for this page.
  2. a list of links to the following universities (NMHU, UNM, NMSU, ENMU, NMT, & WNMU).
  3. a table with the initials of the universities above in the first column, the names of the universities in the second column, and the town the universities are located in, in the third column.


Good Luck.

Please take some time to fill in the survey found on the class page.