CS463/563-Web Programming Notes

  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. Advanced HTML - Netscape & Microsoft Extensions
    ==>UserActive HTML Laboratory (University of Illinois online tutorials)
    ==>searchable archives of the Advanced HTML Mailing List (ADV-HTML)
    ==>Building for 5.0 Browsers
    PART II: JavaScript
  3. The JavaScript Language
    ==>Netscape JavaScript Debugger 1.1
    ==>The Web Classroom (clever use of frames): follow Middle to good use of Javascript for quizzes
  4. JavaScript in Internet Applications
    ==>UserActive JavaScript Laboratory (University of Illinois online tutorials)
    ==>XML - Extensible Markup Language

    PART III: CGI and Perl
  5. CGI and the Internet
    ==>CGI and Perl Resources
  6. Perl and the Internet
  7. Perl in Internet Applications
    PART IV: Java
  8. Introduction to Java Programming
    ==>Introduction to "Java Design Techniques"
    Java by Grady Booch
    ==>see the file WebProJV/httoc.htm on the CD accompanying the book for the complete text of the Web Programmin in Java book
  9. Java Programming ==>Check out this site
  10. XML Links

Internet Programming (FreeCode)

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written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu