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CS458/558 - Network Management - Lab 9

(Due before 5 p.m. MST on Apr. 28, 2000)

The following assignment is intended to provide you with experience in monitoring and troubleshooting a network. You may do this assignment in groups of 2 students.

Using the Netman server in SH109, complete the following
  1. Start four applications on the server, such as Event Viewer, WordPad, Performance Monitor, and NT Explorer. Last, start the Task Manager and perform the following exercises:
    TaskExplanation of How the Task was Completed (record any results)
    Record the amount of CPU resources used for each task (current CPU and total CPU time)
    Record the status of each task
    Determine how much memory is used via RAM and via Disk storage
    Stop a task, such as NT Explorer
    Record how much of the CPU time is idle.

  2. Set up the Performance Monitor to track % Processor Time and % Interrupt Time for the processor for 1 minute. Record in the following table the results of the monitoring.
    Results for % Processor TimeResults for % Interrupt Time
    Average utilization:Average utilization:
    Minimum utilization:Minimum utilization:
    Maximum utilization:Maximum utilization:
    Percent utilization:Percent utilization:
    Graph bar color:Graph bar color:

  3. Practice the following tasks relating to monitoring users on a server and fill in the table.
    TaskExplanation of How the Task was Completed (record any results)
    Determine how many users are presently logged on.
    Determine the server resources used by each active user.
    Force log off a user.
    Set the Alerter to notify a particular user of each problem event detected on the server

  4. Practice the following tasks relating to the Event Viewer on a server and fill in the table.
    TaskExplanation of How the Task Was Completed
    Set the maximum log size
    Do not overwrite events
    Save the log contents to a file and name the file
    Clear the log
    Record all audited activity on drive C to the log

  5. Use the Windows NT Diagnotics tool to perform the following tasks, and record how you completed each task.
    Determine whether the server recognizes drive C.
    Determine whether the spooler is running.
    Find the path used for ComSpec.
    Determine the amount of memory on the display adapter card.
    Find the peak use of the page file.
    Determine the version level of NT Server.
    Find the BIOS version of the server.
    Determine the number of logged on users.

  6. Start the Network Monitor and describe how you accomplish the tasks in the following table.
    TaskExplanation of How the Task Was Completed
    Record the current network utilization.
    Record the number of frames sent across the network.
    Find the number of CRC errors.
    Show the number of bytes sent per second.
    Find the network status.
    Stop the capture of data and save it to a file.

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written by Wayne Summers