CS456/556 – Internet Services Midterm           due December 5, 2001 by 5:00 p.m. MDT      



I.                    Hands-on Exercises – Internet Services. [e-mail all of your answers to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5, 2001]


1.        Ftp to cs.nmhu.edu and download the file butterfly.gif from the CS456 folder. E-mail this file as an attachment to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu (10 pts)


2.        a) Find the IP address of www.cnn.com (5 pts)

            b) Find the host name for (5 pts)


3.        Connect to rex.nmhu.edu

a)      Create a file named final.txt with your e-mail address as its contents. (5 pts) [HINT: look in the list of UNIX commands (http://csc.ColumbusState.edu/summers/NOTES/unix-commands.html) and find something that will allow you to edit a file.]


b)      Send an e-mail message to summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu from your account on rex using the pine e-mail system on rex. (5 pts)



c)      Answer the following questions about the Apache web server on rex: (15 pts)

a.       Where is the default home page for rex located? [HINT: Find the DocumentRoot]

b.      What are the choices for the default home page on rex? [HINT: Find the DirectoryIndex]

c.       Use the man instruction to find the full name of httpd.

d.      What is the ServerType used for the Apache web server?

e.       Explain the first error message in the error_log file.


d)      Connect to rex.nmhu.edu with iXplorer and move butterfly.gif to your public_html folder. (5 pts)



4.      Create a web page that contains the following requirements. E-mail me a copy of the web page as well as all pictures. (50 pts)

[Your web page must be a properly formed web page with head and body, etc.; points will be deducted for “messy” HTML code]


a.        A picture of your favorite piece of art and a heading for this page (use a different font type and color for the heading).

b.       A table with the names and links of the following art museums in the first column, and their location in the second column and an image of a piece of art from that museum in the third column.

§         Georgia O’Keeffe Museum

§         Le Louvre

§         Metropolitan Museum of Art

§         Rijksmuseum

§         Salvador Dali Museum




Good Luck.


Please take some time to fill in the survey in WebCT. (5 pts. Extra credit)