Chapter 7 - Systems Evaluation and Selection

A) Introduction

B) Rating the Value of a Well-designed System (Fig. 7.2)

TELOS (Fig. 7.3, 7.4)

C) Evaluating and Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Systems Design

least is not always best




expected value technique for measuring intangible benefits (Fig. 7.7)

Net Present Value (NPV) Method - discounts all expected future net cash flows to the present using a predetermined cost of capital discount rate

e.g. investment of $20,000 expects to yield $5000 for 7 years & 12% interest - @PV(5000, .12, 7) = $22,820 NPV = 22,820 - 20,000 = $2820

Present Value Index Method - used to rank alternatives by taking into account the intial investment

Year Present Value of $1 at 10% Net Cash Inflow PV of Net Cash Inflow
1 0.909 $ 35,000 $ 31,815
2 0.826 37,000 30,562
3 0.751 25,000 18,775
4 0.683 20,000 13,660
5 0.621 20,000 12,420
Total $ 137,000 $107,232
Init. Investment $100,000
NPV $ 7,232
System A System B System C
Total PV of net cash inflow $107,232 $86,400 $93,600
Init. Investment $100,000 $80,000 $90,000
NPV $ 7,232 $ 6,400 $ 3,600


System A 1.07 ($107,000/$100,000)
System B 1.08
System C 1.04

D) Compiling Value & Cost-Benefit Data in the Systems Evaluation and Selection Report (Fig. pp. 264-6)

Exercises: look over 1-11; turn in 7.12, 7.13, 7.14
