JavaScript tutorial

JavaScript is a compact, object-based scripting language for developing client and server Internet applications.

  1. JavaScript functions can be embedded directly in the HTML code and should be placed in the head of the HTML document
  2. To use JavaScript functions the code needs to follow the line: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> and preceed </SCRIPT>
  3. and bracketed by <!-- and -->
  4. JavaScript is case sensitive and uses new lines to terminate a line of code; semicolons can be used to separate lines of code on a line
  5. JavaScript uses both // and /* */ to indicate comments
  6. JavaScript supports data types: numeric, string, Boolean, and null
  7. JavaScript supports operators: +, -, *, /, %, ++, --, =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &&, ||, !, &, |, ^
  8. JavaScript uses the control structures: if (else), for, while, and
  9. JavaScript contains three user interfaces: alert(message), prompt(message, [Default]), confirm(message)
  10. JavaScript does not have built-in support for arrays, but does allow for building of arrays
  11. JavaScript supports four built-in objects:

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Wayne Summers