Theoretical Foundations of Multimedia


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Table of Contents

Theoretical Foundations of Multimedia

Light and Sound, Seeing and Listening

Perception and Cognition

“Regions of Interest” for Studying Perception

Optical Illusions

Auditory Illusions

The Nature of Light

The Behavior of Waves

The Behavior of Waves

The Behavior of Waves

The Behavior of Waves

The Behavior of Waves

The Behavior of Waves

The Behavior of Waves

The Elecromagnetic Spectrum

The Elecromagnetic Spectrum

The Speed of Light

The Measurement of Light







Measuring Color

Measuring Color

Trichromatic Vision

Perception of Color

Psychological Aspects of Color

Color Wheel

Colors on Computer Monitors

RGB Color Cube

Sight and Visual Communication

Sight and Visual Communication

Sight and Visual Communication

Aspects of Visual Literacy

Images and Meaning

Images and Meaning

Images and Meaning

Lester’s pragmatic perspectives for analyzing and interpreting images

Still Images

Messaris’ ten major discrepancies between concrete images and reality

Messaris’ ten major discrepancies between concrete images and reality

Components of Form

Arrangements of Dots

Arrangements of Lines

Arrangements of Lines (continued)

Uses of Shapes — Parallelograms

Uses of Shapes — Circles

Uses of Shapes — Triangles

Graphics Primitives

Factors Providing a Sense of Depth

Three forms of Perspective

Motion in Images

Motion in Images

Early Writing

Early Writing



Typefaces — Serif Typefaces

Typefaces — Sans Serif Typefaces

Typefaces — Special Typefaces

Typefaces — Type Styles

Typefaces — Weight, Size, and x-height

Typography — Alignment

Typography — Special Type Techniques

Production of Sound

Sound Waves

Harmonic Motion

Fourier Spectrum Analysis

Fourier Spectrum Analyses

Propagation of Sound

Propagation of Sound

Doppler Effect

Listening and Auditory Communication

Reception of Sound

PPT Slide

Comparison of Changes in Decibels and Power

Perception of Sound

Handel’s Approaches to Conceptualizing Perception of Sound

Break Time

Author: Robert S. Tannenbaum


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Created by Wayne Summers