boolean empty() // returns true if this Stack is empty
Object peek() // returns a reference to the Object at the top of this Stack
Object pop() // pops an object of this Stack
Object push (Object obj) // pushes an Object onto this Stack and returns the same item
int Search(Object obj) //returns the distance obj is from the top of this Stack (or -1 if not found0
Dictionary abstract parent class of Hashtable which maps keys to values
abstract Enumeration elements() // returns an enumeration of the elements in this Dictionary
abstract Object get(Object key) // returns the object associated with the specified key in this Dictionary
abstract boolean isEmpty() // returns true if there are no elements in this Dictionary
abstract Enumeration keys() // returns an enumeration of this Dictionary's keys
abstract Object put(Object key, Object value) // puts the specified value into this Dictionary, using the specified key
abstract Object remove (Object key) // removes the element associated with the specifed key
abstract int size() // returns the number of elements in this Dictionary
Hashtable uses a unique key to access data placed in the table. The key can be any object as long as it implements the hashCode() and equals() methods. Hashtables will automatically grow.
Hashtable() // default constructor
Hashtable(int intialCapacity [, float loadFactor]) // constructs a new, empty table with the specified intialCapacity in buckets and a loadFactor between 0 and 1 that defines the threshold for rehashing the table into a larger one
synchronized void clear() // clears this Hashtable of all its elements
synchronized Object clone () // creats a shallow copy of this Hashtable
synchronized boolean contains(Object lookingFor) // returns true if the specified object is an element of the Hashtable
synchronized boolean containsKey(Object findKey) // returns true if the specified object findKey is defined in the Hashtable
synchronized void rehash() // rehashes the content of the table into a larger one
String toString() // returns the String showing this Hashtable