CS459/559 - Network Security - Chapter 11: Virtual Networking
- Virtual LANs - broadcast domain (frames are broadcast within a VLAN and routed between VLANs)
- VLAN Advantages
- VLAN model allows for a more policy-based management structure
(managers can group workers according to function rather than physical location)
- network can be managed from a business perspective rather than a technical perspective (managers can assign priorities to different types of traffic)
- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) assigns Layer 3 IP addresses
- VLANs typically use switch-based network which uses MAC addresses
- switch-based networking minimizes attacks with protocol analyzers
- VLAN Types
- Port-based VLAN - port assignments are static and can only be changed by the administrator
- MAC address VLAN - grouping of MAC addresses (for broadcast domain)
- Layer 3 - manager assigns traffic with different protocol requirements to separate VLANs
- Protocol policy VLAN - can designate a field within a frame to determine VLAN membership
- Multicast VLAN - used for newsfeeds and video-conferencing
- Policy-based VLAN - devices are assigned to VLANs based on policies
- Authenticated user VLAN - users must be authenticated by a server
- Virtual Private Networks - secure link over a public network (extranet)
types of VPNs
- directed - uses IP and addressing to establish directional control of data over VPN (uses encryption & user authentication)
- tunneled - uses IP frames as a tunnel for sending packets (connection is bidirectional so both ends compromised if security is breached)
ways to connect to remote sites
- dial-up
- leased-line
- Internet-based
- VPN Security
encryption (stick an encryption / authentication device on each node):
- firewalls with encryption
- router with encryption,
- other device
- hardware vs. software encryption
- need to use a trusted OS to shield the MAC address
- encryption algorithms (DES, Triple-DES, IDEA, and RC4)
use tunneling to shiled the source / destination IP addresses
- Use IPSEC (defines how VPN encryptors perform authentication and negotiate the algorithm and encryption key)
- VPN Software
- Aventail's MobileVPN & PartnerVPN uses directed VPN model and strong encryption: uses circuit-level proxies at the session layer (authenticates user, not IP address)
- VPLink
- Security technology (Encryption, Authentication, key management)
- Networking technology (IP, frame relay, ATM, Data compression)
- Integration technology (chip level - Application Specific IC integration, System level - APIs [Secure Networking API])
- Uses secure hashing to guarantee the integrity of the data
- Uses SKIP (Secure Key Management for IP): access control, encryption, authentication, key and certificate management
- Digital Secured Network TEchnology NetFortress - encrypts everything at the network layer; client's IP and MAC addresses are burned into memory