Hands-on Lab 3 - Security Policy Review

Introduction - We have spent considerable amount of time (chapters 4-7) discussing security policies. As we have seen, a security policy is a key component of any security plan. CSU developed a security policy (http://uits.ColumbusState.edu/infosec/securitypolicies/security_policies.asp) that reflects some of the comments from last year's CPSC 6136 class. I have offered the service of this class to help review this policy.

Part 1 (due Oct. 3, 2005) - Your assignment is to review and comment on this policy. You should review the chapters in the textbook and the example academic security policy described in chapter 35. You should reference the materials we put together in Information Assurance e-Library Security Policies for dos and don'ts of security policies. Remember this is an academic institution and the policy will be different from commercial and military policies. Post to the discussion board in WebCT a description of what you feel are essential components of a security policy for a university like CSU.

Part 2 (due Oct. 10, 2005) - Following the discussions in Part 1, each of you will be expected to work with a classmate in developing a one-two page review of the CSU security policy with recommendations. Submit this assignment via the dropbox in WebCT.

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written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu