Hands-on Assignment 2 - Acceptable Internet usage policy
Hands-on Activity
(DUE September 9, 2005 by midnight EST)
"The Web browser has become the universal window for Internet communications in today's enterprises. Pervasive Internet access and the relative ease of installing Web-based applications are empowering employees with the means to quickly load Web-based e-mail, instant messaging, peer-to-peer file-sharing clients and other Web applications on company networks.
But with the vast benefits offered by the Internet come concurrent risks to the business such as the leaking of intellectual property, productivity loss, increased legal liabilities and security risks. As such, organizations are now compelled to implement and enforce more granular policy controls over how employees use the Internet.
The need for more sophisticated Internet usage policies is clear." [Ten tips for implementing an acceptable Internet use policy]
  1. Review the article above.
  2. With one of your classmates develop an acceptable Internet usage policy for one of your institutions (or CSU).
  3. Submit your policy to the dropbox. [after all are submitted, I will post these to the class discussion board for a class discussion]

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written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu