Assignment 6 - Database Security
Hands-on Activity
(DUE April 4, 2003 by midnight EST)

Discussion Questions

  1. (DUE March 14, 2003 by midnight EST) Select one of the following questions to discuss in detail through the threaded discussion.
  2. (DUE March 21, 2003 by midnight EST) Select a discussion from one or more of your classmates and respond to their comments.

    Be sure to discuss a different question than the question you discussed in Discussion 1.

Webliography Assignment
(DUE March 21, 2003 by midnight EST) Submit to the class Webliography 5 annotated links related to database security. These will be added to our Information Assurance E-library ( You will receive 1 point if just a new link; 1 point if annotation for one of my links; or 2 points if a new annotated link.