Assignment 3 - Program Security
Hands-on Activity
(DUE February 21, 2003 by midnight EST)
You are going to use a product called WebInspect to assess the security of a web site. You will need to connect to and download a copy of WebInspect. After you have downloaded the file, you will need to install the software. You will then need to obtain a license key before the software will work. If you are not contacted within a day with the key, you will need to call 1.866.774.2700 x 1 and ask the sales rep to e-mail you the key. Explain to them that you are doing this as part of an assignment for a class. After you follow the instructions and place the key in c:\ProgramFiles\SPIDynamics\WebInspect , you will be able to start WebInspect.
  1. Run WebInspect on the default website:
  2. Do a safe scan with crawl turned off.
  3. The bottom screen displays the alerts. By clicking on a description in the bottom window, the top window will give you more details about the selected vulnerability.
  4. After it finished, click the report button
    1. select Custom Report
    2. Select critical and high vulnerabilities
    3. generate report
    4. Post the report to the eCollege dropbox
  5. Select one critical and one high vulnerability and explain what it is and how you would protect the webserver from these vulnerabilities. Post to the dropbox your answer.

Discussion Questions

  1. (DUE February 5, 2003 by midnight EST) Select one of the following questions to discuss in detail through the threaded discussion.
  2. (DUE February 10, 2003 by midnight EST) Select a discussion from one or more of your classmates and respond to their comments.

Webliography Assignment
(DUE February 10, 2003 by midnight EST) Submit to the class Webliography 5 annotated links related to program security. These will be added to our Information Assurance E-library ( You will receive 1 point if just a new link; 1 point if annotation for one of my links; or 2 points if a new annotated link.