Lecture 2
MOVIE: The Paperback Computer / To Dream Tomorrow
Chapter 6: The Difference Engine
After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- What motivated the development of the Difference Engine?
- Describe the relationship between clocks and the Difference Engine.
- Discuss the number system used by Babbage; how did this decision effect the development?
- Discuss the working of the Difference Engine.
Chapter 7: The Analytical Engine
After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- What problem with the Difference Engine pushed Charles Babbage to design the Analytical Engine?
- Explain Babbage's note "Suggested Jacard's loom as a substitute for the drums."
- Explain the terminology "mill" and "store".
- Compare modern computers with the Analytical Engine.
Chapter 8: A question of faith and funding
After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- Why wasn't the Difference Engine built?
- Why wasn't the Analytical Engine built?
Chapter 9: The lady who loved the Jacquard loom
After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:
- Describe Ada Lovelace's contributions to the history of computing.
Movie Discussion Questions
- Describe the early contributions of Doug Englebart and Xerox PARC.
- Describe the contributions of Apple Computers. Why was the Macintosh so innovative?
- Discuss why we call these devices "computers." What is a computer?
- What was the first "computer": Difference Engine, Analytical Engine, ENIAC, Mark I, Colussus, Zuse's machine