CPSC 4205. Senior Project & Portfolio (3-0-3) Prerequisite: Senior standing. A capstone course for BSIT majors that includes completion of a digital portfolio, an electronic resume representing skills acquired and projects completed. The skills to create the portfolio will be introduced in an earlier course and students will be expected to add selected assignments to the portfolio during their last few semesters. Faculty will include Portfolio comments and students will be expected to record reflections on accomplishments. Finally, in cooperation with the IT industry, students will be expected to secure an internship or equivalent work arranged with a faculty member, and document internship hours, objectives and supervisor evaluations in the Portfolio, and to present a summary of their experiences in the course to interested faculty and fellow students at the completion of the course.
LECTURE (Summer 2014 - under development) | What every student should read, hear, or see | ||
SURVEY INSTRUMENTS / Time Management | Multimedia Tools | ||
Academic Dishonesty/Academic Misconduct Policy
written by Wayne Summers summers_wayne@ColumbusState.edu