Lab 13 – Building Android Applications with AppInventor


Maximum Points = 10


The purpose of this lab is to implement an Android application using AppInventor. Follow the guidelines at


You must submit the .apk


  1. Create a Google account, if necessary. [your CSU account should work.]
  2. Follow the instructions in Get Started.

a.    Setup Instructions: How to set up your phone for live testing (or, if you don't have a phone, how to start the emulator).

b.    Designer and Blocks Editor Overview: Gives a tour of the App Inventor environment.

c.     Beginner Tutorials: Highly recommended as the best way to get started programming in App Inventor.

d.    Packaging and Sharing Apps: After you have built an app, you can package it for your phone and you can share it with friends.

  1. Follow the Ttorial link and complete several apps including Hello Purr.
  2. Test your app with the emulator and an Android phone.
  3. Look over and make note of the Support Page for FAQ, documentation, and troubleshooting.
  4. Either pick one of the tutorials and enhance it, or develop your own app.



Test your program with the emulator (and an android phone) and TEST WHAT YOU SUBMIT.



 (Due before 11 pm on Saturday, April 26, 2014) Submit your files containing your program and design as a zip into a file named where ws are your initials. Upload the file to the Dropbox in CougarView.


Grades are determined using the following scale: