Assignment 3 SRS (Student Record System)
Maximum Points = 50
The purpose of this lab is to focus on the study of classes, objects, inheritance and polymorphism.
The registrar is designing a new system to manage and process student records.
a) Design and implement a base class that represents up to 500 university students. A student has a student classification code (U, G, N, T), a student ID, last name, and first name. Undergraduate, graduate, and transient students also have major, hours completed, and GPA.
b) Design and implement classes for undergraduate, graduate, non-degree, and transient students where undergraduates have a class level (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) and transient students have a current university.
c) Make sure to include necessary constructors, accessors & mutators (gets/sets), and toString methods for all classes.
d) Design and implement a main class that
a. reads the data from a file (students.txt) where the first field identifies the type of student (U undergraduate, G graduate, N non-degree, T - transient ). Each record consists of the data for the student with each field separated by #.
b. After reading in all of the data, your main class should provide a menu that allows the user to do at least four of the following:
i. Print a list of all students.
ii. Print a list of students sorted by student ID.
iii. Print a list of majors.
iv. Allow the user to add a student to the list of students.
v. Search for a student using a student ID entered by the user.
vi. Remove a student from the list selected by student ID.
vii. Allow the user to compute the average GPA for a specified major.
viii. Print the list of undergraduates for a specified class level (i.e all freshman).
ix. Compute and print the total hours for all students with a specified major.
x. Print the list of undergraduates separated by class level (CHALLENGING).
xi. Print a list of students sorted by a field specified by the user (CHALLENGING).
xii. Other approved option.
Sample Input
T#000111333#Von Neumann#John#Computer Science#45#2.12#University of Sofia
(Due before class on Monday, October 4, 2010) Submit a .doc file containing the UML class diagram showing inheritance for all the classes used in your program. [10 pts]
(Due before class on Friday, October 15, 2010) Submit your .java files containing your program to the dropbox in WebCT. [50 pts]
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