LAB 9 - Introduction to Programming (part 4 – working with Media)

Lab Exercises


n      To create and manipulate media like pictures and sounds



3.6 Working with Media

3.6.1 Creating a Picture Object


Type in the following code in the Interactions window:

> Picture picture1;

> picture1 = new Picture();



What was displayed?


3.6.2 Showing a Picture

3.6.3 Variable Substitution


Now type in the following code in the Interactions window:
> String fileName;

> fileName = FileChooser.pickAFile();             // note that this pops up a window to select a jpg file


> Picture picture2;

> picture2 = new Picture(fileName);



What was displayed?


Now type:

>  System.out.println(picture2);


3.6.4 Object References

3.6.5 Playing a Sound


> String fileName2;

> fileName2 = FileChooser.pickAFile();                       // note that this pops up a window to select a wav file


> Sound soundClip;

> soundClip = new Sound(fileName2);



What was displayed?


Now type:

>  System.out.println(soundClip);





Write a program that displays a picture with your name written on it. [HINT: You will need to look up drawstring in the API for the Picture class]


Submit the .java file through the DropBox in WebCT.