LAB 5 - Introduction to Java (part 3)

Lab Exercises





2.4.2 Using Variables in Calculations

Try typing the following into the interaction pane:


> int numPeople = 2;

> System.out.println(numPeople);


> double bill = 32.45;

> System.out.println(bill);


> double tip = bill * 0.2;

> System.out.println(tip);


> double total = bill + tip;

> System.out.println(total);


> double totalPerPerson = total / numPeople;

> System.out.println(“each person owes: “ + totalPerPerson);


2.4.4 Object Variables

Try typing the following into the interaction pane:


> String test;

> System.out.println(test);


> test = “Hi”;

> System.out.println(test);


> test = new String (“Bye”);

> System.out.println(test);


2.4.5 Reusing Variables

Try typing the following into the interaction pane:


> String myName = “Wayne”;

> System.out.print(myName);                


> myName = “Sue”;

> System.out.print(myName);


> String yourName = “Lee”;

> System.out.print(yourName);


> String yourName = “Barb”;

> System.out.print(yourName);


2.4.6 Multiple References to an Object

Try typing the following into the interaction pane:


> String name1 = “CS Dept.”;

> System.out.print(name1);                   


> String name2 = name1;

> System.out.print(name2);                   





Submit the answers to 2.12, 2.13, 2.17 through the DropBox in WebCT.