LAB 36 – Creating and Modifying Text (part 1)

Lab Exercises


n      To manipulate structured text, such as a delimited string.

n      To manipulate strings

n      To use the swing class JOptionPane



12.2 Strings: Character Sequences


i) Open a new file in Dr. Java and type in the following program:


//       Author: Lewis/Loftus
//  Demonstrates the use of nested while loops.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PalindromeTester
   //  Tests strings to see if they are palindromes.
   public static void main (String[] args)
      String str, another = "y";
      int left, right;
      Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
      while (another.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) // allows y or Y
         System.out.println ("Enter a potential palindrome:");
         str = scan.nextLine();
         left = 0;
         right = str.length() - 1;
         while (str.charAt(left) == str.charAt(right) && left < right)
         if (left < right)
            System.out.println ("That string is NOT a palindrome.");
            System.out.println ("That string IS a palindrome.");
         System.out.print ("Test another palindrome (y/n)? ");
         another = scan.nextLine();


ii)                   Test your program (radar; able was I ere I saw elba; a man, a plan, a canal, Panama).

iii)                 Modify the main method by

a.       Add import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

b.      Change the while loop to a do-while using a JOptionPane

                                                   i.      Declare an integer variable again to hold the result of the pop-up

                                                 ii.      Replace         System.out.print ("Test another palindrome (y/n)? ");

with      again = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (null, "Do Another?");

                                                iii.      Replace the condition in the while with again == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION

c.       Replace the input and prompt:

                                                   i.      Replace         System.out.println ("Enter a potential palindrome:");

    str = scan.nextLine();

                                    with      str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter a potential palindrome:");

d.      Replace the results:

                                                   i.      Replace      the two remaining System.out.println with

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "That string is NOT a palindrome.");




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