LAB 33 – Creating Classes (part 2)

Lab Exercises


n      To create accessor and modifier methods.

n      To access and process an array



11.5 Creating Accessors (Getters) and Modifiers (Setters)


i) Add the following sets and gets to the Student class used in Lab32 [Add the appropriate documentation for each method]


  //////////////methods ///////////////


   * Method to get the name for this student

   * @return the name


   public String getName()  {  return;  }



  * Method to get the grade at index for this student

  * @param index – position of grade to be retrieved

  * @return the grade at location index


  public double getGrade (int index)


    return this.gradeArray[index];



  public boolean setName (String theName)


    boolean noName = false;

    if ( == null)

    { = theName;

      noName = true;


    return noName;



  public boolean setGrade (int index, double newGrade)


    boolean done = false;

    if (this.gradeArray != null && newGrade >= 0)


      this.gradeArray[index] = newGrade;

      done = true;


    return done;



  public boolean setGradeArray (double[] theArray)


    boolean done = false;

    if (this.gradeArray == null)


      this.gradeArray = theArray;

      done = true;


    return done;




  public double getAverage()


    double average = 0.0;


    if (this.gradeArray != null && this.gradeArray.length > 0)


      double sum = 0.0;

      for (double grade : this.gradeArray)

        sum += grade;

      average = sum / this.gradeArray.length;


    return average;



ii)                   Modify the main method by

a.       Ask the user for student1’s grades and use the setGradeArray method to set the grades for student1. Display the new student1. [NOTE: You will need to include “grades = new double[numberOfGrades];” to reset the array of grades]

b.      Use get’s and set’s to add 5 points to each of student2’s grades

c.       Use getAverage to get the average for the two students and display a message identifying the name of the student with the larger average.




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