LAB 31 – Making Sounds by Combining Pieces (part 3 – Modern Music Synthesis)

Lab Exercises


n      To choose between sound formats such as MIDI and MP3 for different purposes

n      To introduce private (helper methods)



10.6.2 Midi


i)                    Type in the code for a main method

import java.util.Scanner;

/** program that plays the first two verses and refrain of Jingle Bells using the MidiPlayer class

  * developed at GaTech


  * revised by Wayne Summers

  * November 2, 2007



public class PlayMidi


     public static void main (String[] args)


       MidiPlayer player = new MidiPlayer();

       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

       int instrument;




         System.out.println("Enter an instrument number: 0 - PIANO, 10 - MUSICBOX, 24 - GUITAR, 32 - BASS");

         instrument = scan.nextInt();


       while (instrument != 0 && instrument != 10 && instrument != 24 && instrument != 32);









ii) Type in the following code in the Program window below the main method and before the last }:


/* Method to play the first/third/eighth/tenth measure of Jingle Bells  */

  private static void playJingleBellsM1(MidiPlayer player)


    player.playNote(52,250); // e eighth note

    player.playNote(60,250); // c eighth note

    player.playNote(58,250); // b flat eighth note

    player.playNote(56,250); // a flat eighth note



  /* Method to play the measure 2 of Jingle Bells */

  private static void playJingleBellsM2(MidiPlayer player)


    player.playNote(52,500); // e quarter note;        // rest

    player.playNote(52,125); // e sixteenth note

    player.playNote(52,125); // e sixteenth note 



  /* Method to play measure 5 of Jingle Bells */

  private static void playJingleBellsM5(MidiPlayer player)


    player.playNote(53,250); // f eighth note

    player.playNote(61,250); // d flat eighth note

    player.playNote(60,250); // c eighth note

    player.playNote(58,250); // b flat eighth note



  /* Method to play measure 7 of Jingle Bells */

  private static void playJingleBellsM7(MidiPlayer player)


    player.playNote(55,250); // g eighth note

    player.playNote(65,250); // f eighth note

    player.playNote(63,250); // e flat eighth note

    player.playNote(61,250); // d flat eighth note



  /* Method to play measures 13-16 of Jingle Bells */

  private static void playJingleBellsM13To16(MidiPlayer player)


    // measure 13

    player.playNote(53,250); // f eighth note

    player.playNote(61,250); // d flat eighth note

    player.playNote(60,250); // c eighth note

    player.playNote(58,250); // b flat eighth note 

    // measure 14

    player.playNote(55,250); // g eighth note

    player.playNote(63,250); // e flat eighth note

    player.playNote(62,250); // d eighth note

    player.playNote(63,250); // e flat eighth note

    // measure 15

    player.playNote(65,250); // f eighth note

    player.playNote(63,250); // e flat eighth note

    player.playNote(61,250); // d flat eighth note

    player.playNote(58,250); // b flat eighth note

    // measure 16

    player.playNote(56,1000); // a flat half note


   /** Method to play the first verse of jingle bells with each measure

     * taking 1000 milliseconds (1 second). It is in 2/4 time


  public static void playJingleBellsV1(MidiPlayer player)


    playJingleBellsM1(player);             // play measure 1

    playJingleBellsM2(player);             // play measure 2

    playJingleBellsM1(player);             // play measure 3

    player.playNote(53,1000);              // measure 4

    playJingleBellsM5(player);             // play measure 5

    player.playNote(55,1000);              // measure 6   

    playJingleBellsM7(player);             // play measure 7

    player.playNote(60,1000);              // measure 8

    playJingleBellsM1(player);             // play measure 9

    player.playNote(52,1000);              // play measure 10

    playJingleBellsM1(player);             // play measure 11

    player.playNote(53,1000);              // play measure 12

    playJingleBellsM13To16(player);   // play measure 13 to 16



    /** Method to play the second verse of jingle bells with each measure

      * taking 1000 milliseconds (1 second) It is in 2/4 time


  public static void playJingleBellsV2(MidiPlayer player)

  {                                                             // measure 1;

    player.playNote(52,250);                 // e eighth note


    playJingleBellsM1(player);              // measure 2

    playJingleBellsM2(player);              // measure 3

    playJingleBellsM1(player);              // measure 4


    // measure 5

    player.playNote(53,750);                 // f dotted quarter note

    player.playNote(53,250); // f eighth note

    playJingleBellsM5(player);             // measure 6

    // measure 7

    player.playNote(55,750);                 // g dotted quarter note

    player.playNote(55,250);                 // g eighth note

    playJingleBellsM7(player);            // measure 8


    // measure 9

    player.playNote(60,750);                 // c dotted quarter note

    player.playNote(52,250);                 // e eighth note

    playJingleBellsM1(player);           // measure 10

    // measure 11

    player.playNote(52,750);                 // e dotted quarter note

    player.playNote(52,250); // e eighth note

    playJingleBellsM1(player);           // measure 12


    // measure 13

    player.playNote(53,750);                 // f dotted quarter note

    player.playNote(53,250);                 // f eighth note

    playJingleBellsM13To16(player);     // measure 14-17  



    /* Method to play the first/second measures of Refrain  */

  private static void playJingleBellsRefrainM1(MidiPlayer player)


    player.playNote(64,250);                 // e eighth note

    player.playNote(64,250);                 // e eighth note

    player.playNote(64,500);                 // e quarter note



    /* Method to play the third/eleventh measures of Refrain  */

  private static void playJingleBellsRefrainM3(MidiPlayer player)


    player.playNote(64,250); // e eighth note

    player.playNote(67,250); // g eighth note

    player.playNote(60,250);                 // c eighth note

    player.playNote(62,250);                 // d eighth note



    /* Method to play the fifth/thirteenth measures of Refrain  */

  private static void playJingleBellsRefrainM5(MidiPlayer player)


    for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)

      player.playNote(65,250);               // f eighth note



    /* Method to play the sixth/fourteenth measures of Refrain  */

  private static void playJingleBellsRefrainM6(MidiPlayer player)


    player.playNote(65,250);                 // f eighth note

    player.playNote(64,250);                 // e eighth note

    player.playNote(64,250);                 // e eighth note

    player.playNote(64,250);                 // e eighth note



  /* Method to play refrain of Jingle Bells  */

   public static void playJingleBellsRefrain(MidiPlayer player)


    playJingleBellsRefrainM1(player);                // measure 1 

    playJingleBellsRefrainM1(player);                // measure 2   

    playJingleBellsRefrainM3(player);                // measure 3   

    player.playNote(64,1000);                               // measure 4


    playJingleBellsRefrainM5(player);                // measure 5

    playJingleBellsRefrainM6(player);                // measure 6

    // measure 7

    player.playNote(64,250);                                 // e note

    player.playNote(62,250);                                 // d eighth note

    player.playNote(62,250);                                 // d eighth note

    player.playNote(64,250);                                 // e eighth note

    // measure 8

    player.playNote(62,500);                                 // d half note

    player.playNote(67,500);                                 // g half note


    playJingleBellsRefrainM1(player);                // measure 9    

    playJingleBellsRefrainM1(player);                // measure 10  

    playJingleBellsRefrainM3(player);                // measure 11

    player.playNote(64,1000);                               // measure 12


    playJingleBellsRefrainM5(player);                // measure 13  

    playJingleBellsRefrainM6(player);                // measure 14   

    // measure 15

    player.playNote(67,250);                                 // g eighth note

    player.playNote(67,250);                                 // g eighth note

    player.playNote(65,250);                                 // f eighth note

    player.playNote(62,250);                                 // d eighth note

    // measure 16

    player.playNote(60,500);                                 // c quarter note;                                               // rest



iii) Test your program with different instruments to confirm that the methods work.




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