LAB 28 – Modifying Samples Using Ranges (part 3 – Reversing and Mirroring Sounds)

Lab Exercises


n      To reverse sounds

n      To mirror sounds

n      To identify algorithms that cross media boundaries



9.4 Reversing a Sound


i) Type in the code for a main method that asks the user for a sound filename and sends the Sound to the reverse method and then plays (and/or explores) the revised sound.


ii) Type in the following code in the Program window below the main method and before the last }:


  /* method to reverse a sound

   * @param source – source sound


public static void reverse (Sound source)


    Sound copySound = new Sound(source.getFileName());

    int length = source.getLength();

    int value = 0;


    // loop through the samples

    for (int targetIndex = 0, sourceIndex = length - 1; targetIndex < length && sourceIndex >= 0;

                     targetIndex++, sourceIndex--)


            value = copySound.getSampleValueAt(sourceIndex);

            source.setSampleValueAt(targetIndex, value);




iii) Test your program with different .wav files. Use; and sourceSound.explore(); to confirm that the reverse worked.


iv) Type in the following code in the Program window below the main method and before the last }:


  /* method to splice part of a passed sound into the target sound at the given start index

   * @param source - source sound to copy


public static void mirrorFrontToBack(Sound source)


    int length = source.getLength();         // save the length

    int mirrorPoint = length / 2;    // mirror around this

    int value = 0;                                     // hold the current value


    // loop from 1 to mirrorPoint

    for (int i = 0; i < mirrorPoint; i++)


      value = source.getSampleValueAt(i);

      source.setSampleValueAt(length – i - 1,value);




v) Modify your main method to call mirrorFrontToBack. Test your program with different .wav files. Use; and targetSound.explore(); to confirm that the mirror worked.



  1. Revise the mirrorFrontToBack method so that it mirrors back to front.


Submit the .java file with the mirrorFrontToBack and mirrorBackToFront methods through the DropBox in WebCT.