LAB 23 – Modifying All Samples in a Sound (part 1 – Manipulating Sounds)

Lab Exercises


n      To create and manipulate media like sounds

n      To understand how we digitize sounds



8.1 How Sound is Encoded

8.1.1 The Physics of Sound

8.1.2 Exploring Sounds


n      Attach a microphone to your computer

n      Open the Windows-MediaTools folder

n      Open the SqueakVM.exe application

n      This will start Squeak with the media tools loaded

n      Click on the Sound Tools window

¨     It will expand

n      Click on Record Viewer and Record

¨     And do high and low sounds in the microphone

n      Notice that high sounds have more cycles per second

n      Click on Quit to exit Squeak


8.1.3 Encoding Sounds


8.2 Manipulating Sounds

8.2.1 Opening Sounds and Manipulating Samples


i) Type the following:

> String fileName1;

> fileName1 = FileChooser.pickAFile();    // note that this pops up a window to select a .wav file


> Sound soundClip;

> soundClip = new Sound(fileName1);



What happened?


ii) Now type:

>  System.out.println(soundClip);


What was displayed?


iii) Now type:

> soundClip.explore();


What happened?


iv) Now type:

> soundClip.blockingPlay();


What happened?


v) Now type:

> soundClip.write(“C:/temp/newSound.wav”);


What happened?


vi) Now type:

> SoundSample [] sampleArray = soundClip.getSamples();

> System.out.println(sampleArray.length);


What happened?


vi) Now type:

> System.out.println(soundClip.getSampleValueAt(5));

> System.out.println(sampleArray[5]);


What happened?


8.2.2 Using Media Tools for Looking at Sounds

Use the remaining time to explore the Sound Editor in the MediaTools Application.


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