LAB 13 - Modifying Pictures in a Matrix (part 1 - Copying Pixels)


n      To copy pixels in a matrix using nested loops


5.1 Copying Pixels

Type in the following code in the Program window (changing the comments):


/* Program that modifies pictures using nested loops

 * Picture and Pixel classes are defined in bookClasses developed

 * at Georgia Tech by Mark Guzdial / Barbara Ericson


 * @author Wayne Summers

 * @date   Sept. 19, 2007



public class ModifyPictures


  public static void main(String[] args)


    String fileName;

    fileName = FileChooser.pickAFile();  // note that this pops up a window to select a jpg file


    Picture pic;

    pic = new Picture(fileName);

// calls to methods that manipulate images go here; 




5.1.1 Looping Across the Pixels with a Nested Loop

5.1.2 Mirroring a Picture (vertical)

i) Type in the following code in the Program window below the main method and before the last }:



  * Method that mirrors the leftside of a picture to the rightside

  * @param pict - picture Object to be modified


public static void mirrorVertical(Picture pict)


   int mirrorPoint = pict.getWidth() / 2;

   Pixel leftPixel = null;

   Pixel rightPixel = null;


   // loop through the rows

   for (int y = 0; y < pict.getHeight(); y++)


     // loop from 0 to just before the mirror point

     for (int x = 0; x < mirrorPoint; x++)


            leftPixel = pict.getPixel(x, y);

            rightPixel = pict.getPixel(pict.getWidth() – 1 – x, y);






ii) Type in the following code in the Program window in the main method and before the;




iii) Test your program.


5.1.2 Mirroring a Picture (horizontal)

i) Type in the following code in the Program window below the main method and before the last }:



  * Method that mirrors the top of a picture to the bottom

  * @param pict - picture Object to be modified


public static void mirrorHorizontal(Picture pict)


  int height = pict.getHeight();

  int width = pict.getWidth();

  int mirrorPoint = height / 2;

  Pixel topPixel = null;

  Pixel bottomPixel = null;


   // loop through the columns

   for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)


     // loop from 0 to just before the mirror point

     for (int y = 0; y < mirrorPoint; y++)


        topPixel = pict.getPixel(x, y);

        bottomPixel = pict.getPixel(x, height - 1 - y);






ii) Type in the following code in the Program window in the main method and before the;


mirrorHorizontal (pic);


iii) Test your program.



Write a program that uses a method that calls both mirrorHorizontal and mirrorVertical.

Does it matter which order you call the two methods?


CHALLENGE: Write a method that mirrors across the diagonal.


Submit the .java file and the answer to the question through the DropBox in WebCT.