LAB 11 – Modifying Pictures Using Loops (part 2 –Changing Color Values)

Lab Exercises


n      To change color values



4.3 Changing Color Values


Type in the following code in the Program window (changing the comments):


/* Program that modifies pictures using loops

 * Picture and Pixel classes are defined in bookClasses developed

 * at Georgia Tech by Mark Guzdial / Barbara Ericson


 * @author Wayne Summers

 * @date   Sept. 14, 2007



public class ModifyPictures


  public static void main(String[] args)


    String fileName;

    fileName = FileChooser.pickAFile();  // note that this pops up a window to select a jpg file


    Picture pic;

    pic = new Picture(fileName);;





4.3.1 Using a For-Each Loop

i) Type in the following code in the Program window below the main method and before the last }:

  public static void decreaseRed(Picture pict)


     * Method that decreases the amount of redness in the picture

     * @param pict - picture Object to be modified



    Pixel[] pixelArray = pict.getPixels();

    int value = 0;


    // loop through all the pixels in the array

    for (Pixel pixelObj : pixelArray)



      // get the red value

      value = pixelObj.getRed();


      // decrease the red value by 50% (1/2)

      value = (int) (value * 0.5);


      // set the red value of the current pixel to the new value





ii) Type in the following code in the Program window in the main method and before the;




iii) Test your program. What happens if you use 0.25 instead of 0.5? 0.75?



4.3.2 Using While Loops

4.3.3 Increasing/Decreasing Red(Green, Blue)

i) Type in the following code in the Program window below the main method and before the last }:


    * Method that increases the amount of blueness in the picture

    * @param pict - picture Object to be modified


public static void increaseBlue(Picture pict)


    Pixel[] pixelArray = pict.getPixels();

    Pixel pixelObj = null;

    int value = 0;

    int index = 0;


    // loop through all the pixels

    while (index < pixelArray.length)


      // get the current pixel

      pixelObj = pixelArray[index];

      // get the value

      value = pixelObj.getBlue();


      // increase value

      value = (int) (value * 1.3);


      // set the blue value



      // increment the index





ii) Type in the following code in the Program window in the main method and before the;




iii) Test your program. What happens if you use 1.1 instead of 1.3? 1.6?


4.3.4 Creating a Sunset

4.3.5 Making Sense of Methods

4.3.6 Variable Name Scope




Write a program that reduces the redness of the picture by 10% and increases the greenness of the picture by 20%.


Submit the .java file through the DropBox in WebCT.


Challenge1: How would you use a second parameter for increaseBlue to be able to adjust the amount to change?


Challenge2: How would you use increaseBlue and increaseGreen to make a picture look like a sunset?