LAB 1 - Introduction to Computers and Computer Programming

 Demonstration of the inside of a computer, learn to locate

Verify that your userids are operational.

  1. Since it's fall semester, the accounts have probably been reset. If this is your first time using the CSU network, you may want to visit to learn more about setting up your account.
    There are also handouts about this in the lab.
  2. You also need to test your WebCT accounts.
  3. Make sure that you can login to Cougarnet and send an email.



1. Every profession uses computers today. Use a Web browser and a search engine like Google to find sites that relate your field of study with computer science or computing or computation. For example, search for \biology computer science" or \management computing." [If your major is computer science, select a second field that you are interested in.] Write a paragraph about what you found.

2. Go to and find out how one of the following works –

            a. digital cameras

            b. digital recording and CDs

            c. MP3 players

            d. iPhone

            e. electronic ink

            f. video games

            g. blue screen / green screen

            h. HDTV

Write a paragraph about what you found.

3. Submit both paragraphs through the DropBox in WebCT.


Log off the computer

And the network by clicking the Start button at the bottom left of the screen and then click Shut Down…, when the window pops up asking what you want the  computer to do, choose  Restart  and click OK 

You're done!