(Due before class on April 4, 2007) LAB 6a – Object-Oriented Design – Peachpit Restaurant ordering system

[Post the solution in WebCT by 9:00 a.m. Wednesday April 4, 2007.]


Your task is to write UML class diagrams for an order-taking system for the use by restaurant servers. Each server has a handheld computer to take orders at the table.

 Write a Java application that displays a screen with tabbed panes for each category of food (entrees, beverages, and desserts). For each category of food, collect information about which items are being ordered and the quantity for each (remember that the server is taking the order for an entire table). Pick at least five of your favorite entrees, five non-alcoholic beverages, and five desserts to include on the tabs. Be sure to display the total cost for the entire order when completed including the sales tax.

Grades are determined using the following scale:

5 points = all components of each class diagram for each class are correctly defined including the class name, all instance variables with their types, and all methods including constructors with their parameters and return type where appropriate.

4 points = a few components may be incorrect

3 points = several components may be incorrect or missing

2 points = most components are incorrectly described and/or at least one class diagram is missing

1 point = only a few components for a class diagram are described