Assignment 5 – Cartoon

Maximum Points = 50

 (Due before class on March 26, 2008) The purpose of this lab is to continue your study of programming using loops and arrays in Java to modify pictures in creating a cartoon strip. In this lab you will use:

Write a Java program that creates a cartoon strip with at least four panels using pictures and text of your choice. Each panel must be enclosed in rectangles. At least one panel must have text inserted using drawstring. You must use at least one oval. Your strip must have a title. You are encouraged to add additional images and may use photos and modifications of pictures. You can draw your content. You can also use the green screen to put yourself into the cartoons. Design your program with FileChooser.PickAFile().

Submit your picture files along with the .java file containing your program.

 Grades are determined using the following scale:

Grading Rubric  (Word document)