Assignment 4 – Photographic Mosaic

Maximum Points = 50

 (Due before class on March 12, 2008) The purpose of this lab is to continue your study of programming using loops and arrays in Java to modify pictures in creating a photographic mosaic of a picture. In this lab you will use:

“a photographic mosaic (also known under the term Photomosaic, a portmanteau of photo and mosaic, trademarked by Runaway Technology, Inc.) is a picture (usually a photograph) that has been divided into (usually equal sized) rectangular sections, each of which is replaced with another photograph of appropriate average color. When viewed at low magnifications, the individual pixels appear as the primary image, while close examination reveals that the image is in fact made up of many hundreds or thousands of smaller images.” []

Some wonderful examples can be found at
Another set of examples can be found at [These use many different pictures]
You might also want to watch the video at to get some additional ideas.

This is the barbara.jpg picture covered with thumbnails of the same picture reduced. The smaller the thumbnails, the better the picture looks as you can see with the photomosaics of the beach below.


This is barbara.jpg thumbnails on the beach.jpg


Write a Java program that creates a photomosaic with a picture of your choice. (You are encouraged to add additional images and may use a photo and modifications of the same picture for extra credit). Design your program with FileChooser.PickAFile().

Submit your picture files along with the .java file containing your program.

 Grades are determined using the following scale:

Grading Rubric  (Word document)