Assignment 4 – Collage

Maximum Points = 50


(Due before class on October 17, 2007) The purpose of this lab is to introduce programming using loops and conditionals in Java to modify pictures in creating a collage of pictures. In this lab you will use:

“Collage (From the French: coller, to stick) is regarded as a work of visual arts made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.” []. Your program is going to create a collage of different images using different effects from Chapters 5 and 6.


Write a Java program that creates a collage of the same image at least four times onto the 7x95in.jpg blank JPEG. (You are encouraged to add additional images). One of the four copies can be the original picture. The other three should be modified forms. You can do any of scaling, cropping, or rotating the image; creating a negative of the image; shifting or altering colors of the image; making it darker or lighter; edge detection, sepia-toned or posterized; highlighting extremes, or blurring.


After composing your image, mirror it. You can do it vertically, horizontally, or diagonally (or otherwise), in any direction—just make sure that your four base images are visible after mirroring.


Design your program so that the user can call setMediapath() and be able to access the folder containing all your input pictures including the 7x95in.jpg blank JPEG. Your collage file should be saved in the same folder.


Submit your image file before and after the change along with the .java file containing your program.


Grades are determined using the following scale:

Grading Rubric  (Word document)