Assignment 2 Enhanced ASCII Art
Maximum Points = 50
The purpose of this lab is to continue your study of computer programming and algorithms through the Python programming language. In this lab you will use several new features including variables, reading input, and using the while loop to repeat operations.
Write a program that displays a picture using ASCII Art [ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable (from a total of 128) characters defined by the ASCII Standard[1]].
You can find some examples at
You should start with the Hello World program as your template. Be creative and design and code a program that displays a picture of your choice. Your program will use the print function to print each line of the artwork. Your picture must include your name (as a signature) and a title.
Your program must have these additional features:
Make sure that your program uses proper indentation and complete documentation. See for guidelines.
The program heading should occur at the top of the program and should include:
# @author (your name)
# @version(date)
(Due before 8 am on Wednesday, February 1, 2012) Submit your .py file containing your program and your timesheet documenting your time to the dropbox in WebCT..
Grades are determined using the following scale: