Grading Rubrics

Evaluating and Recommending Computer Systems (50 pts)

This assignment is to evaluate and recommend a computer system (500 words, 12 pt.; typed, double-spaced, with 1.25" margins). You may choose to use a word-processor and/or spreadsheet program.


FINAL PAPER (50 pts)

5 (Excellent)

4 (Good)

2-3 (Fair)

0-1 (Poor)






a) uses that the client would have for a computer system.

Five uses are well-defined.

Four well-defined uses.

Two-three well-defined uses.

Uses not well described.

b) List of types of software that would be needed, based on a).

Well-defined list of software linked to uses.

One use not covered by software or list not well-defined.

Some appropriate software listed.

Software not well described.

c) List of types of hardware besides the computer that would be needed based on a) and b).

Well-defined list of hardware linked to software and uses.

One use not covered by hardware or list not well-defined.

Some appropriate hardware listed.

Hardware not well described.

d) tabulate the data on at least 3 appropriate computer systems

Supporting data for three systems well defined

Missing features for one system

Only two systems or systems not well defined

Systems not well defined

e) Recommend one of these computer systems

Sound argument describing why recommendation was made.

Good argument but missing one point.

Not clear why system is recommended

Argument not clearly made or missing.


Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence.

Student presents information in logical sequence.

Reader has difficulty following paper.

Reader cannot understand paper because there is no sequence of information.


Can understand all of what is being communicated.

Can understand most of what is being communicated.

Can understand less than half of what is being communicated.

Can understand little of what is being communicated.


List of sources is complete.

List of sources is included but not well organized.

List of sources is missing some components.

List of sources is almost or completely missing.


Exceeds the requirements of the assignment and have put care and effort into the process.

Fulfills all of the requirements of the assignment.

Fulfills some of the requirements of the assignment.

Fulfills few of the requirements of the assignment.

Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, and Sentence Structure

Presentation is highly polished; no grammar or spelling errors.

Presentation is polished; maximum of one grammar or spelling error.

Presentation is adequate; maximum of two grammar or spelling errors.

Inadequate presentation; more than two spelling or grammar errors.