LAB 1 - Introduction to Computers and Computer Programming


Demonstration of the inside of a computer, learn to locate

Verify that your userids are operational.

  1. Since it's fall semester, the accounts have probably been reset. If this is your first time using the CSU network, you may want to visit to learn more about setting up your account.
    There are also handouts about this in the lab.
  2. You also need to test your WebCT accounts.
  3. Make sure that you can login to Cougarnet and send an email.


( [ tutorial at
  1. Locate the Greenfoot icon on the desktop and launch it
  2. Open the Wombats scenario
  3. Use the "Project Information" to find out more about this scenario
  4. Place Wombats and leaves on the world
  5. Click Act to see the execution
  6. Run the scenerario
  7. Invoke the methods directly
  8. Create a new world
  9. Invoke a world method
  10. ENJOY.........


( [ tutorial at
  1. Starting BlueJ - double-click icon.
  2. Opening a project - select Open from the Project menu and open the people project.
  3. Look at the different classes - right-mouse click and select Edit to view the code
  4. Creating objects - select a constructor from the class popup menu.
  5. Execution - select methods from the object popup menu.
  6. Editing a class - double-click its class icon.
  7. Compilation - To compile a class, click the Compile button in the editor. To compile a project, click the Compile button in the project window.
  8. Help with compiler errors - click the question mark next to the error message.
  9. ENJOY.........

Running a program from the command line and as applets

  • Explore sample programs at
  • Start Java, enter, compile and run a program. Step-by-step instructions appear at
  • Getting help to run your first Java program (Seek help from the lab assistants if you have any problems )

    Log off

    the network by clicking the Start button at the bottom left of the screen and then click Shut Down…, when the window pops up asking what you want the  computer to do, choose  Restart  and click OK 

    You're done!