Twitter Graded Assignment

Due date Sunday September 6, 2008 before before 11:59 pm


Maximum grade 50


The instructions for the assignment are as follows:
Twitter: Create a twitter account at, send a tweet, follow someone and be followed using Twitter.
  1. Using a Web browser, go to
  2. Click on "Get Started-Join" and follow the steps to register for a Twitter account.
  3. Pick at least one person to follow.
  4. Invite at least one member of the class to follow you.
  5. Post at least one tweet.

For the Week 3 discussion question (in MYITLab), post a message that includes the following:
  1. The URL (Web address) of your Twitter site ( followed by your Twitter username; for example,; rather than type the URL in, open your Twitter site in a browser then copy and paste the URL from the browser address window).
  2. The name/username of the person(s) you picked in Twitter to follow.
  3. The name/username of the member(s) of this class you invited to follow you in Twitter.
  4. Several weeks ago, Twitter was attacked in an apparent attempt to prevent a Georgian blogger (Cyxymu)from communicating his concerns about the conflict between Georgia and Russia in South Ossetia [ Twitter hit by denial-of-service attack. Discuss the following questions:
Grading (50 pts)