Jing/Picasa Graded Assignment

Due date Sunday October 11, 2009 before 11:59 p.m.


Maximum grade 50


Instructions This assignment has two parts. The assignment is due Sunday October 11, 2009 before 11:59 p.m. The instructions for the assignment are as follows:

NOTE: You can use Flikr if you have a Yahoo account instead of Picasa (requires Google account) or Screencast if you have neither.

  1. Complete the "Jing/Picasa" assignment:

a.     Create an account on Picasa (http://picasaweb.google.com) if you don't already have one.

b.     Download and install Jing (http://www.jingproject.com/).

c.     Using Jing, capture all or part of your screen [BTW, you can write on the image that you captured.]

d.     Upload the captured image to Picasa.

e.     Upload at least two other images (your choice) to Picasa.

Be sure to mark your images as "Public" (the default) so other members of the class can view them.


      1. Created Picasa account: 20 pts
      2. Uploaded screen capture:  10 pts
      3. Uploaded one other image: 10 pts
      4. Uploaded a third image: 10 pts

POST YOUR Picasa ACCOUNT NAME TO the MyITLAB discussion for Week 8.