e-Portfolio Graded Assignment

Due date Sunday October 4, 2009 before 11:59 p.m.


Maximum grade 50


Instructions This assignment has two parts. The assignment is due Sunday October 4, 2009 before 11:59 p.m. The instructions for the assignment are as follows:
Part 1: Create an ePortfolio

  1. Using a Web browser, go to http://www.epsilen.com/.
  2. Click on "CREATE YOUR ePORTFOLIO" and follow the steps to register for and activate an Epsilen account. Be sure to use your CSU email address during Step 1 that asks for your email address. Doing so will allow you to access Epsilen for free. (10 pts)

Part 2: Provide content for the ePortfolio:

  1. Enter your Major/Minor. (5 pts)
  2. Enter your bio (5 pts)
  3. Enter your academic interests (5 pts)
  4. Enter your career interests. (5 pts)
  5. Enter your resume. (20 pts)
    1. Within your ePortfolio, upload a resume or use Epsilen's Resume Wizard to create one. Be sure to mark this resume as "Public" so it can be viewed.
  6. Have fun with this!! You may photos, video, create an avatar, and link to your Facebook account.


  1. go to the website http://www.epsilen.com/
  2. Click on "CREATE YOUR ePORTFOLIO" and follow the steps to register for and activate an Epsilen account. Be sure to use your CSU email address during Step 1 that asks for your email address. Doing so will allow you to access Epsilen for free. (10 pts)
    1. Enter the Basic Details (name, school, primary role), Read the Agreement and click Continue.
  3. Enter your Major/Minor. (5 pts)
  4. Enter your bio (5 pts)
  5. Enter your academic interests (5 pts)
  6. Enter your career interests. (5 pts)
  7. Register (this sends you an email which you must acknowledge).
  8. Enter your resume. (20 pts)