Second Life Graded Assignment

Due date Sunday November 22, 2009 before 11:59 p.m.


Maximum grade 50


This assignment will be done with the programming environment Alice. The assignment is due Sunday November 22, 2009 before 11:59 p.m. The instructions for the assignment are as follows:

Problem: You are to explore the Second Life virtual reality world. To do this, you will need to create a personal avatar.

TUTORIALS Complete the "Second Life" assignment:
  1. Using a Web browser, go to
  2. Download and install the Second Life software.
  3. Create a Second Life account and an avatar.
  4. Explore Second Life with your avatar.
  5. After logging into Second Life, use Jing to capture a image of your avatar.
  6. Upload the image of your avatar to your Picasa/Flickr account.
Rubric / Scoring: For the Week 14 discussion question, post a message that includes the following:
  1. The name of your Second Life avatar.
  2. Discussion of your experience in Second Life.
  3. The URL of your Picasa/Flickr photostream containing the image of your Second Life avatar (rather than type the URL in, copy and paste the URL from within your Picasa/Flickr account).