Chapter 7

TIA: 7: Data Communications


After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:

Chapter 12: Behind the Scenes: Networking and Security


After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:

Discussion Questions

Chapter 7
  1. You have just finished purchasing and installing a new wireless network in your home. A new wireless standard of networking will be launched next month that is 10 times as fast as the wireless network you installed.
    1. What types of applications would you need to be using heavily to make it worth upgrading to the new standard?
    2. Suppose your neighbor upgraded to the new standard and he does not have his network secured. Is tapping into your neighbor's wireless connection ethical? Is it illegal where you live?
  2. Hackers and virus authors cause millions of dollars worth of damage to PCs and networks annually. But hacking is a very controversial subject. Many hackers believe they are actually working for the "good of the people" or "exercising their freedom" when they engage in hacking activities. However, in most jurisdictions in the United States, hacking is punishable by stiff fines and jail terms.
    1. Hackers often argue that hacking is for the good of all people because it points out flaws in computer systems. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
    2. What should the punishment be for convicted hackers and why?
    3. Who should be held accountable at a corporation whose network security is breached by a hacker?
  3. Do you have a firewall, anti-spyware, and antivirus software installed on the computer you use most often? If not, why not? What types of problems can you experience from not having this software installed? Have you ever been a victim of a hacker or a virus?
Chapter 12
  1. Internet access is deemed essential to enable students to research projects and papers adequately. But granting that access potentially invites people to engage in dangerous or unacceptable behaviors.
    1. Do you think your school should restrict access to certain Internet sites (such as peer-to-peer file-sharing services) to prevent students from violating laws by illegally sharing copyrighted material?
    2. Plagiarism is thought to be spreading because of the easy exchange of information on the Internet. What should the penalty be for a student who plagiarizes material from a Web site and why? Should a student who plagiarizes have his or her Internet access privileges revoked? Why or why not?
    3. Should schools prohibit students from writing negative comments about faculty and administrators on their blogs and MySpace pages? Why or why not?
  2. Some hackers argue that hacking should not be a crime because they are performing a service to the companies that they are hacking by pointing out weaknesses in network security.
    1. Should hackers be punished for gaining unapproved access to computer systems?
    2. Are there any instances in which hacking is a "necessary evil" and the law enforcement officials should just look the other way?
    3. Is it unethical for software companies not to share with users known security risks in their software?
  3. Many companies are drafting acceptable use policies for computers and Internet access to inform employees of the approved uses for corporate computing assets. Consider these areas of a potential company policy:
    1. Should employees be allowed to use their computers and Internet access for personal use (such as checking noncompany e-mail, shopping online, or playing games)? If so, how much time per day is reasonable for employees to spend on personal tasks? Should employees be permitted to use their computers for personal tasks only during personal time (such as breaks and lunch hours)?
    2. Should employee computer and Internet usage be monitored to ensure compliance with the personal use policies? Should employers inform employees that they are being monitored? What should the penalties be for violating these policies? Should your productivity (and pay raises) be determined based on what activities you perform during the day as monitored by the company (via computers, cameras, tracking devices, etc.)?
    3. Many corporations block access to Internet Web sites that would enable employees to participate in potentially illegal activities (such as downloading music, gambling, or viewing pornography). Should corporations have the right to block users from Web sites when they are at work? Why or why not?
  4. Assume you are designing the network layout for a local coffee shop. In which areas of the store would you provide wireless network access? Would you charge customers for access or provide it free of charge? Should customers and employees access the same network, or should a separate one be established for business activities? Would you provide all employees with Internet access? If not, whom would you exclude?