Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Using System Software: The Operating System, Utility Programs, and File Management


After reading this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions:

Discussion Questions

Chapter 5
  1. Open-source programming embraces a philosophy that states programmers should make their code available to everyone rather than keeping it proprietary. The Linux operating system has had much success as an open-source code. The chapter mentions some of the advantages of open-source code, such as quicker code updates in response to technological advances and changes.
    1. What are other advantages of open-source code?
    2. Can you think of disadvantages to open-source code?
    3. Why do you think that companies such as Microsoft maintain proprietary restrictions on their code?
    4. Are there disadvantages to maintaining proprietary code?
  2. Operating system interfaces have evolved from a text-based console format to the current graphical user interface. What direction do you think they will move toward next? How could operating systems be organized and used in a manner that is more responsive to humans and better suited to how we think? Are there alternatives to hierarchical file structures for storage? Can you think of ways in which operating systems could adapt and customize themselves based on your usage?